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The Love Game

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This was the second time his father had second-guessed a decision he’d made. First, Foster had voted against his idea of keeping the product launches simple. Now he wanted to hold the internal launch off-site even though an outside venue made them more vulnerable to information leaks. How many more times were they going to butt heads?

But, on a positive note, Iris had given him a good review when she’d discussed the focus-group meeting with Foster. Tyler’s tension eased slightly. Her praise probably had given him bonus points with his father. It also showed that even when she was annoyed with him, she’d still treat him fairly.

Chapter 6

“And then he said, ‘I want to be clear that you’re here for the product launch—and that’s all.’” Iris deepened her voice to imitate Tyler. Their confrontation had taken place two days earlier but she was still fuming over his accusation.

The salmon and broiled asparagus Lily had made for their weekly family dinner on Wednesday were forgotten for the moment. Her two older sisters sat on the other side of their family’s dining table, now Lily’s table. Iris waited for their reactions.

Rose’s wide cocoa eyes narrowed dangerously. “Is he crazy?”

Lily blinked. “Was he serious?”

“I couldn’t believe it, either.” Iris chased an asparagus spear across her plate.

“Men.” Rose sounded as though the word left a bad taste in her mouth. “They think they know everything when in fact, they know nothing.”

Here we go again.

“Could we please not make this about you and Ben?” Iris asked, referring to Rose’s ex-fiancé, Benjamin Shippley.

“Iris!” Lily sent a worried look toward Rose.

“Did I say anything about him?” Rose stiffened.

“You were thinking him.” Iris cut into the salmon. It sliced like butter. Pity her appetite was gone. “Ben was a jerk but do you still have to be so negative?”

“Compared to you, everyone is negative.” Rose glared across the table. “Take off your rose-tinted glasses, Pollyanna. Ty’s comment shows he doesn’t trust you.”

“He will once he gets to know me.” Iris claimed a piece of salmon with her fork.

“No, he won’t because he doesn’t want to trust you.” Rose raised her voice.

“You’re assuming that, like you, Ty doesn’t trust anyone.” Iris held Rose’s darkening gaze. “I don’t believe that.”

“We’re on your side, Iris.” Lily’s voice was strained. “His comment was uncalled for.”

“You don’t think I can convince him to trust me, either?” Iris struggled with a sense of betrayal.

“You shouldn’t have to.” Lily’s whiskey gaze was intent. “The question isn’t whether you can convince Tyler to trust you. Why doesn’t he trust you now?”

Good question. “I don’t know.”

Tyler had been such a jerk Monday to imply she’d behaved unprofessionally by smiling at his friend. But during the meeting this morning, he’d seemed like a different person. When he’d stood to explain to his associates how they’d individually contributed to the company’s success, she’d seen the good in him. He’d been thoughtful and charming.

How do I get him to be thoughtful and charming to me?

“He doesn’t trust you because he’s a man.” Rose stabbed an asparagus spear with her fork and shoved it into her mouth. “They aren’t trustworthy so they assume no one else is, either.”

“All men aren’t bad.” Regret weighed on Iris. Would Rose ever believe that again?

“Don’t let Ben win.” Lily’s voice was soft but firm.

Iris’s heart squeezed at the pain that flashed across Rose’s elegant, honey features. “Lil’s right, Rosie. Ben was an ass. There’s someone out there who’ll give you the love and loyalty you deserve.”

“For how long?” Rose lowered her fork and leaned into the table. “I was with Ben for two years before I realized he’d been cheating on me almost from the start. Love is a lie.”

Iris again fantasized about pummeling her sister’s ex-fiancé. “I don’t believe that. I’m looking forward to meeting Mr. Right and living happily ever after. What about you, Lil?”

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