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The Love Game

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Lauren had accessorized her pale blue business dress with a chunky silver necklace and matching bracelet. Her sleek brown bob ended just above her shoulders. What did Xavier see in the corporate executive? Yes, she was beautiful, intelligent, poised and professional. But she also was cold and distant. He couldn’t imagine Lauren engaging Anderson Adventures’ associates in the recent focus group the way Iris had.

“You have a lot riding on the launch’s success.” Lauren rested a hip against one of the guest chairs and slid her gaze around his office.

“There’s a lot riding on

every product launch.” Tyler resisted the urge to check the time again. How long was it going to take her to say hello?

Lauren’s apparent interest in developing a better relationship with Xavier’s family and learning more about their business was understandable. But he didn’t have time for idle chitchat. The release date for “Osiris’s Journey” was coming up fast—thirteen weeks and counting—and they still had a lot of features to refine.

“But you’re in charge of this launch.” Lauren kept talking. “If it fails, your father will look elsewhere for the company’s next CEO.”

“How do you know that?” Tyler’s brows knitted.

“You, Xavier and Van discussed it, remember?” Lauren adjusted the strap of her black purse on her shoulder, then rested her well-manicured hands on the back of a guest chair. “I overheard you.”

Tyler’s memory flashed back to the afternoon Lauren had walked into his office while he’d been telling Donovan and Xavier about his meeting with his father. Was she in the habit of eavesdropping outside offices?

“We have a good product. The launch will be successful.” Tyler needed an interruption to allow him to gracefully get out of spending any more time with Lauren.

“I’m sure you’ll do your best.”

“Thanks.” Had she meant to sound condescending?

“The internal launch is Friday, May first, right? I’m sorry I won’t be allowed to attend it.” Lauren’s gaze never wavered from his. “Xavier said you aren’t inviting guests to the event.”

“It’s for associates only.”

“That’s what he said.” Lauren shrugged a thin shoulder. “I admit that I’m disappointed.”

“I’m sure you can understand. It’s an internal event.” Why were they having this conversation?

“Will your aunt be there?”

“Of course.”

Lauren arched a perfectly plucked eyebrow. “So you’re making an exception for her?”

“Aunt Kayla is a member of the executive team.” Tyler was approaching the end of his patience.

“And she’s family. I’ve been dating your cousin for some time now. I feel like a part of your family.”

But you’re not. And you’ve only been dating Xavier for two months.

Tyler glanced at his monitor, choosing not to address Lauren’s point. “I’d better get back to work. As I said, there’s a lot to do.”

“By all means.” Lauren stepped back from the chair. “You’re welcome to join us for lunch.”

No way. “Thanks but I’m working through.”

Lauren’s smile was almost sincere. “Once in a while, you should try getting away from your desk.”

“That’s what Xavier and Van say.” And his father. And Aunt Kayla and Sherry.

“They’re right.” Lauren turned and disappeared through his doorway.

Tyler returned to his seat. But he wasn’t able to refocus on his product testing. Instead, he stared blindly at his monitor. Why had Lauren come to see him? What did she want? There was something disconcerting about Lauren. He couldn’t define it. But whatever it was made him uncomfortable around her.

Iris posed a completely different problem. There was something about his marketing consultant that compelled him to seek her out. She ruled his thoughts from the moment he opened his eyes in the morning until he settled into bed at night. What was it? And what could he do to fight it?

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