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The Love Game

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Tyler lifted his head to look at Ryan. “These tests are dated two months ago. We’ve had several much more recent tests. They all prove ‘Osiris’s Journey’ is ready for market.”

Ryan looked at Iris in confusion. He turned back to Tyler. “So you say.”

“I can send you the latest test results.” Tyler stood, indicating the interview was over.

“We’ll send you those results as soon as we return to the office.” Iris straightened from her position behind Tyler. “Until then, I’d advise you against printing even a hint that ‘Osiris’s Journey’ isn’t market ready.”

“But—” Ryan looked up at her.

“Such a claim would be knowingly false,” Iris continued. “I doubt your publisher will want to defend against a libel suit.”

Ryan looked from Iris to Tyler, then back. “All right.” He turned off the audio recorder and repacked his satchel.

Tyler escorted him back to the room’s door. “The most recent test results, showing ‘Osiris’s Journey’ tested successfully, will be waiting for you Monday morning.”

After he saw the reporter out, Tyler turned to Iris. He waved the stack of old test results. “Who the hell sent these to him?”

“I have no idea.” Iris struggled to think, to plan. “But we’d better find out. It’s obvious that someone is trying to sabotage this release.”

Tyler ran a hand over his close-cropped hair. “It must have been an associate—”

“That’s impossible.” Iris swept her arm out. “Anderson Adventures associates are intensely loyal. No one on your payroll would have done something like this.”

Tyler raised his gaze to Iris. There was pain and disappointment in his eyes. “Then who could it have been?”

Chapter 11

Tyler convened an emergency meeting of the Anderson Adventures executive team Sunday morning. He’d briefed everyone Friday after his meeting with Ryan Tipper and Saturday as he and Iris had waited for their flight. He’d asked Iris to attend the meeting, as well. Foster, Kayla, Donovan and Xavier joined them in the company’s large conference room.

Tyler was jet-lagged. Iris must be, too, though she hid it well. They’d traveled all day Saturday from San Diego back to Columbus. Then, they’d driven straight to Anderson Adventures to email the most recent test results of “Osiris’s Journey” to The Gamer’s Seat reporter.

“The results of those tests will prove to Ryan Tipper that ‘Osiris’s Journey’ is market ready.” Tyler’s gaze met those of the other executive team members, then settled on his father at the head of the table.

“I want to know one thing.” Foster’s voice was tight with restrained temper.

“What’s that?” Tyler braced himself.

“How did this happen?” Foster pinned him with a dark, direct gaze.

That question had hung unasked in the room since the others had joined him. Now it lay on the table but Tyler wasn’t any closer to answering it today than he’d been during the magazine interview.

“I don’t know.” Tyler felt sick. Every eye in the room seemed to be on him.

Iris leaned forward on the chair beside him. “Ty and I will review with your associates the product-testing procedure.”

Foster’s attention shifted from Tyler to Iris. “You think one of our associates leaked the failed test results to the media?”

Tyler heard the tension in his father’s voice. “No, we don’t.”

“Then who did?” Foster fisted his hands on the table. “Nothing like this has ever happened before at Anderson Adventures. Ever.”

“That’s true, Uncle Foster.” Xavier looked as troubled as he sounded. “This isn’t our brightest moment. But Ty’s planned an investigation to uncover the leak.”

“He also was able to prevent any damage to our reputation.” Donovan inclined his head to acknowledge Tyler’s work.

Tyler nodded toward Iris. “With Iris’s help.”

“Yes.” Xavier shifted on his seat. “Thank you, Iris.”

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