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The Love Game

Page 63

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Iris gave a dry chuckle. “My favorite thing about you is your empathetic pep talks.”

Cathy harrumphed. “Don’t be such a wimp. You said Lily told you to find the saboteur. She’s right. Don’t overlook Kimball.”

Iris scowled. “He’s at the top of my list.”

* * *

Tuesday morning, Iris stormed past Peter Kimball’s secretary and shoved open the marketing executive’s office door.

The curvy, middle-aged woman dithered in Iris’s wake. “Pete, I’m sorry. I tried to stop her but she just pushed past me.”

Peter continued typing at his laptop before looking up at his secretary. “That’s all right, Florence. I think the whole industry is aware that Ms. Beharie’s manners leave a lot to be desired.”

“They certainly do.” Florence’s small powder-blue eyes glared up at Iris. “Should I escort her out?”

“Good luck with that.” Iris arched an eyebrow. The other woman was more than a head shorter than her. “I’m not leaving until I’m ready to go.”

Peter waved his hand dismissively. “Don’t worry. Ms. Beharie will be ready to leave soon. Please close the door on your way out.”

Florence hesitated, obviously torn between staying and going. “Let me know if you want me to call security.” With a final glare, the older woman spun on her heel, then slammed the door shut behind her.

“What can I do for you, Iris?” Peter’s question drew Iris’s attention back to him.

“You can tell me who sent you the first results from ‘Osiris’s Journey’’s product testing.”

“What are you talking about?” His expression of confusion was perfectly nuanced. If Iris didn’t know better she’d believe his act. It was the ninth day of June. “Osiris’s Journey” would launch in a month. She didn’t have time for this.

Peter sat in an overstuffed big crimson leather chair behind a large, old fashioned mahogany desk. His pale pink shirt highlighted his cold gray eyes and heavily tanned features.

Iris settled her hands on her hips. “You sent the file to The Gamer’s Seat to hurt Anderson Adventures’ product launch. But your plan didn’t work.”

Peter’s eyes widened with surprise, then he threw his head back and roared with laughter. “Did someone leak damaging information to the media before your client’s product launch?”

She fisted her hands at her sides. “You did.”

“I assure you I did not.” Peter shook his head, still laughing. “But this is rich. Too good to be true.”

Iris narrowed her eyes at her rival. “Why should I believe you?”

“I’m not asking you to.” Peter wiped the tears of hilarity from his eyes. “Oh, I bet Foster Anderson is royally pissed that Ty hired you now.”

Iris swallowed, trying to dislodge the ball of fear stuck in her throat. Peter looked and sounded genuinely amused. Could he be telling the truth? Impossible.

“You’re not going to get away with this.” She regarded Peter with contempt as he continued his hyena impersonation.

“How did you find out about the leak?” His gray eyes gleamed with spite and satisfaction. “Was it an internet alert? Or maybe it was a phone call from the press?”

Iris had checked her internet alerts prior to storming Kimball & Associates’ gates. Luckily, Anderson Adventures and “Osiris’s Journey” were still riding positive press from the Electronic Gaming Convention.

“When did you get the document?” She pinned him with a steely stare.

“What makes you think I leaked the file?” Peter’s humor faded only slightly.

“Because you’re a spiteful little man.” Iris allowed her disdain for her competitor to show. “Ty Anderson awarded the campaign to me—”

“And they got what they paid for.”

“You were so jealous you lied about the events that led to my leaving RGB.”

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