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The Love Game

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* * *

Iris’s agency phone rang Monday evening, breaking her concentration from the media pitch she was writing for “Osiris’s Journey.” She saved the file, lowered the volume on her CD player and picked up the receiver.

“This is Iris Beharie. May I help you?”

“Ms. Beharie, this is Cooper Johnson with Central City Medical Health.” The voice on the other end of the line was all business.

Cooper Johnson was a familiar name. If memory served, he was the vice president of marketing for a major health insurance company.

“Good evening, Mr. Johnson. What can I do for you?” Please let him ask me for a bid proposal.

“CCMH is rolling out a new insurance product. I’m sorry to contact you so late in the day but are you available to meet with us in the morning? We’d like your help with our internal and external product launch.” Cooper’s voice slowed as though he was consulting his calendar.

Yes! Iris’s pulse kicked up with excitement over a potential new client with a big project. There was just one challenge. Her eyes drifted to the clock on her computer. It was almost 6:00 p.m. “Mr. Johnson, I’d love to meet with you tomorrow but that doesn’t give me time to put together a bid proposal. Could we meet—”

“You misunderstand, Ms. Beharie,” Cooper smoothly interrupted. “We aren’t requesting a bid proposal. We’re awarding you the job. Tomorrow’s meeting will provide you with the information you need to put together a budget estimate and a project schedule. Is that acceptable?”

Central City Medical Health was hiring her for a major project? And they didn’t want a proposal or references? “You’re hiring me?”

“You were highly recommended.”

Iris smiled. “By whom?” Has Lily been passing out my business cards again?

“Ty Anderson. He staked his reputation that you’d deliver a successful product launch, on time and within budget.”

Iris froze. She tried several times to speak. “Ty?”

“Anderson Adventures is a well-respected company.” Cooper chuckled. “If Ty’s willing to stake his reputation on your work, why should I waste time asking for multiple bids? I was going to contact Kimball & Associates, but Ty told me in great detail about the media exposure, presales and social media success his company garnered from your campaigns.”

Iris was overwhelmed. Her heart was beating in her throat. Was this really happening for her? She stuttered her way through a reply. “Well, was a...a team effort.”

“He said you’d say that.” Cooper chuckled again. “Are you available tomorrow morning?”

“Yes, I’m available.” Iris grabbed a pencil and her writing tablet. “Let me take your information.”

* * *

A little more than an hour later, Iris rang the doorbell of Tyler’s colonial-style home. It didn’t take him long to answer. He stood in the doorway dressed in baggy gray shorts and a tight black short-sleeved T-shirt. His feet were bare.

“You’ve shown up at my townhome so many times.” Iris tried for light banter. “I thought turnabout would be fair play.”

“What are you doing here?” Tyler stepped aside to let her in.

Iris’s curious gaze took in his entryway. It was dominated by the polished cherrywood used for the threshold, flooring and trim circling the ceiling. Iris enjoyed the effect. “I wanted to thank you.”

“For what?” Tyler led her down a short, narrow hallway to a silver-and-black sitting room.

Iris gratefully sank onto the love seat. Her legs weren’t going to support her much longer. “Cooper Johnson called me this evening. Did you put him up to it?”

“Why would I do that?” Tyler leaned against the wall on the opposite side of the room. His arms were crossed over his impressive chest and his eyes were fixed on her. “I know you don’t want people to help you.”

Iris took in the framed abstract paintings hanging on the walls. Personal photos and whimsical sculptures kept the room’s decor from being cold. Her gaze dropped to the hardwood flooring beneath her sneakered feet. “He told me you’d staked your reputation on my being able to produce a successful product launches for CCMH.”

Tyler’s initial reaction was a short, sharp obscenity. “Coop has a big mouth.”

Iris lifted her head and looked him in the eyes. “You’re taking a great risk, tying my reputation to yours. If I fail, we’re both going down.”

“You’re not going to fail.”

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