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Haley's Cabin

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do more than stare, too.

He reached for patience and caution—two qualities which always eluded him. He was never very good

in those dainty knick-knack stores with all the hands-off glass displays. It always made him want to pick

up everything, just for the fun of it, to annoy the owner. Why have a store if you weren’t going to allow

the customers to handle the merchandise?

Jeremy wanted to handle Haley. He could only hope she was thinking along the same lines. He’d soon

find out.

“I really hope you like hamburgers,” he remarked casually as he opened the door for her. When she

stepped inside, Jeremy thought of what his brother had told him. So, her ex hadn’t been tender. Well,

he’d love to tenderize the asshole’s face. Jeremy would truly enjoy showing the prick how it felt to pick

on someone his own size. Haley was so tiny, so delicate, he couldn’t imagine ever hurting her.

“I love hamburgers It’s truly un-American not to.” Haley winked at him and came farther into the room.

“Nice cabin. The furniture is way better than mine, that’s for sure.”

He hadn’t even noticed the furniture. Jeremy looked around the small living room and knew she was


p; right. The couch and easy chair were soft brown suede, big, comfortable and roomy. The coffee table

and end tables were oak, and there was a nice-sized entertainment cabinet. Figured, detail-oriented Brad

would have an entertainment center fit for a king.

Jeremy shrugged. “My brother sort of likes things to be…perfect. I suppose it only goes to show that his

home-away-from-home would be decked.”

Haley looked at him and cocked her head. “You and Dr. French don’t have the same last name. Are

you step-brothers, then?”

“Nope. Half-brothers.” He walked into the kitchen, allowing her to follow, and said over his shoulder,

“Our mom was married before she met my dad and had Brad. Brad’s father died of bone cancer. A few

years later, she married my dad. It took Brad some adjusting, but we’re all one big happy family now.”

Haley was quiet, watching him get out plates and silverware, then said, “It would’ve been very hard on

Brad, having his dad die that way. Must be why he became a doctor. He’s very good at it, too.”

That got Jeremy’s attention. Momentarily distracted from setting the table, he gave her a sideways

glance and saw the faraway expression in Haley’s eyes. She appeared all soft and dreamy. Jeremy felt a

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