Haley's Cabin - Page 56

over. It was a wonder they fit together at all. But they had fit, and very well, too, she thought with delight.

Haley tore herself away from the magnificent sight, bent to put her shoes on, then walked toward him.

She went on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, then left him standing in the kitchen, scowling.

Chapter Nine

Jeremy was lost. He felt the way he had back in his rookie days, unsure and terrified. A bad

combination for any man, but especially bad for a man always in control of his life, always in control of

his emotions. He felt like a weak puppy and that infuriated him.

Letting her leave was the most difficult thing Jeremy had ever done. Every cell in his body cried out to

keep her near. He had a sick feeling in his gut already, as if by letting her go he’d made a horrible

mistake. But she’d wanted some time. Short of kidnapping her, he couldn’t keep her in the cabin if she

wanted to leave.

It scared him to think how close he’d come to kidnapping her.

Half an hour had gone by and he had yet to leave the damn kitchen. He felt like a fool. Sitting naked,

waiting on a woman. How had he been reduced to a pining, love-sick fool? And so pitifully quick! Then

he remembered Brad. He’d told him he’d call him back later. It was later. He might as well fill some time

talking to his brother. Maybe he’d even stop thinking of how sweet Haley’s ass had looked, pink from

his swats.

Yeah, right.

He left the chair, grabbed the phone and dialed Brad’s number. His brother picked up on the third ring

and Jeremy grumbled, “ This is your fault, dickhead.”

“And hello to you, too, Jay,” Brad said, unperturbed by Jeremy’s rude accusation.

“Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean either, dammit.”

“What’s my fault…this time?”

Jeremy ignored Brad’s sarcastic tone. “Haley Thorne is your fault.”

Brad was quiet a minute, then he chuckled. “You must have finally let her up for air if you’re talking to


“She wanted a few hours alone,” Jeremy groused. He raked his fingers through his hair and checked the


“So, you two getting along well, then?”

“Christ, Brad. It’s as if she were made for me. I swear I’ve never felt like this before. Damn you!”

Tags: Anne Rainey Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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