Haley's Cabin - Page 58


at relationships. Hell, why do you think I’ve avoided them my whole life?”

“Just be gentle with her, Jay. Tell her how you feel, but don’t put words in her mouth. Allow her to tell

you how she feels in her own time.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Jeremy muttered, even though it was the last thing he wanted to do. His every instinct

roared at him to shout his love to Haley. He wanted to make love to her until she cried uncle and

reciprocated. Something occurred to him and he managed a small smile.

“You know, Brad, when a woman knocks you on your calm, doctor’s ass, I’m going to love watching

that easygoing demeanor of yours vanish into thin air.”

Page 47

Brad laughed and shot right back, “Never happen, bro, never happen.”

Jeremy had once thought the same thing. “Famous last words.”

They hung up and Jeremy realized he was still naked. He cursed and left the kitchen. After throwing on a

pair of jean shorts and a tank top, he filled the next hour cleaning. He washed the previous night’s dinner

dishes, stripped the sheets off the bed and tossed them into the washer. Once that was done, he went out

to the hot tub and made sure it was clean before putting the cover back on it. Once inside, he felt his

stomach rumble and realized he hadn’t had breakfast. It was almost lunchtime. He was about to make

himself something to eat when he heard Haley’s shy knock on the front door. He practically ran to let her

in. It was sick how much he’d missed her already. How was he supposed to give her a few days?

“Relationships suck,” Jeremy muttered to himself.

As he reached the screen door, Jeremy saw Haley had changed clothes. Instead of the wrinkled white

dress, she wore a sweet little pair of jean shorts and a tiny red belly shirt. Her navel showed and Jeremy

went from zero to sixty in an instant. He wanted her. It was crazy, but there it was. He saw the woman’s

belly and he was ready to jump her bones.

He opened the door to let her in and she went straight into his arms. He pulled her close and held her

tight. His kiss was hard and possessive. Jeremy felt desperate. He was so damn reluctant to let the

weekend slip away from him because he was scared spitless she would slip away with it.

He released her. “I like your outfit, baby, but I think I’d rather have you out of it instead.” He started to

pull up her shirt and she stopped him, placing her hands flat against his.

“We need to talk, Jay.”

Tags: Anne Rainey Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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