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Haley's Cabin

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Candace reached across the table and patted the back of Haley’s hand. “You need to have a little faith.

The day’s not over yet. He could still show up at your front door.”

“Thanks for saying so, but I doubt it. He doesn’t even know where I live.”

“He just may surprise you. After all, they aren’t all like Eric, sweetie,” Candace said gently.

Gretchen was silent. Finally Janice turned to Haley, and said, “Candace is right. Don’t give up on finding

Mr. Right. Sometimes it’s necessary to run across a few Mr. Wrongs, just so you’ll know the


“I know. Really I do. But what if Jay is just another Mr. Wrong?”

“Then you move on,” Gretchen said. “You keep searching for that one man who makes you

feel…whole. That’s what life is.”

They were right. Haley had been in the dumps since leaving Jay. But one thing was true. Jay was not like

Eric. She had to have a little faith.

Jeremy sat and stared at the ranch-style, cream-colored house. He clenched and unclenched his fists

around the steering wheel a dozen times, partly in fear, partly in an attempt to keep himself from running

up the drive, grabbing Haley and heading for the hills.

Page 53

Whether she wanted to go or not.

He’d gotten Mara home and had called Brad on his cell to find out how Lisa was doing. She’d be fine.

A fractured ankle, a broken arm, two cracked ribs and a collapsed lung. But she would mend. Thankful

of that, Jeremy went to Haley’s.

He drove past her house countless times just to torture the hell out of himself. He liked her house; it was

small but cozy looking. His apartment was a place to park his hat and that was about it. Two days away

from her had solidified two very distinctive things for Jeremy.

He’d come to realize he could no more live without Haley than he could his gun and badge. The second

thought was that he actually shook every time he considered she might not want him anymore. Jeremy

had managed to bring down some of the nastiest criminals Columbus, Ohio had to offer, yet a little bit of

a woman with mesmerizing green eyes made his hands shake like a wet pup.

It was true, love really did stink.

Even with all that, being in love with Haley Thorne was also the most exhilarating feeling he’d ever

experienced. Before he’d met her, he’d been a cynical, brooding ass. A few hours around her and his

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