Haley's Cabin - Page 66

world felt whole and clean again. How was a man supposed to live without something so sweet?

The house was dark, but he could see a single light on and there was a big white SUV in the driveway.

Haley drove a Jeep, so who the hell owned the SUV?

She’d mentioned a friend.

Jane, Joyce, no Janice, that was it. Maybe the SUV was hers. It’d better be or there’d be hell to pay.

Jeremy stared at the vehicle a moment longer before he grabbed his keys and left the truck. As he

walked to the front porch, he took a moment to remember how shitty the last two days had been. He

hadn’t made it clear to her on Saturday, but he hoped she counted Sunday as day one. Maybe she

wasn’t expecting him until tomorrow. Maybe she thought Sunday was a free day since it’d technically

been part of the weekend and therefore part of their time together.

“Fuck it,” Jeremy grumbled. It was Tuesday evening and he wasn’t waiting a minute longer. He’d bitten

the head off every person unfortunate enough to cross his path on Monday. He’d been an asshole to his

brother Saturday after Haley had left and then for good measure he’d called Brad on Sunday to bitch him

out some more.

The truth was, Jeremy had nearly made himself sick with worry. Worry that once Haley had had a few

days to herself, she’d realize what a mistake it was to become involved with a man she barely knew.

Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to kidnap her sexy ass and bring her back to the cabin where he could

convince her, in his own way, what an awesome couple they made.

Then again, that thought wasn’t so bad either.

He knocked on the door and waited. He looked down at his clothes and could have kicked himself. A

ratty old blue T-shirt and jeans. He could have at least dressed nice when he declared his love for the

woman. After a few minutes, he spotted the doorbell so he rang that instead. Finally, the door opened

and a man answered. A wet man. Wearing a towel. Fuck that.

Page 54

Jeremy swung the glass storm door open and punched the half-naked man square in the nose. The

bastard landed on his ass and cursed.

“Son of a bitch! What the hell was that for?”

Then he heard a female voice shout, “Oh my God!” When Haley ran into the room and saw the bloody

nose, she started to scream. “Oh my God! Are you okay?”

Oh, gee, now isn’t this sweet. She’s worried about her bleeding lover. Jeremy felt a lump form in his

Tags: Anne Rainey Erotic
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