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Haley's Cabin

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Page 60

her what he’d done with the movie they’d made together.

“No, I didn’t,” she mumbled, then she tried to kiss him again, but he held her firm.

“Yes, you did. You forgot the DVD. But I’m not going to destroy it, so don’t even bother asking.”

“No, I didn’t forget it. I left if for you.” Her grin was impudent and her cheeks turned a pretty shade of

pink. “I didn’t want you forgetting about me and I wanted to prove to you that I trusted you,” she

whispered. “I felt like you needed that, I guess.”

“Damn, Haley.” The air left his lungs in a rush. “I’ve watched that friggin’ thing about a dozen times.

Every single time I’ve driven myself nuts waiting until tonight to come for you. It’s nearly killed me to


“You watched it? Alone?” she asked, stunned and intrigued

He yanked at a lock of her silky hair. “No, I invited my brother over to watch it with me,” Jeremy

taunted. “Of course alone.” Haley’s tongue darted out and slowly licked her lips. Christ, he was nuts

about her.

“What did you do when you watched it, Jay?”

Her eyes had gone all sexy and drowsy. That was all it took for his erection to grow thicker. Damn, if he

got any harder, he’d pop his zipper.

“Now what do you think I did when I watched it?” he asked devilishly.

She spoke so low he barely heard. “Did you…touch yourself?”

He laughed at her shy response. “Yes, I did, and every single time I wished it was your hand on my

cock instead of mine. Your hand squeezing and pumping.”

“Oh, me, too.” She sounded so sweetly sincere. All at once, Haley shook her head and turned her nose

up in the air. Crossing her arms over her chest, she declared, “Then again, I think you deserved a little bit

of torture for sending me away.” She glanced away and Jeremy knew just how much he’d hurt her.

“It hadn’t been my intention to hurt you, baby. I swear it.”

She smacked his chest. “Well, of course I know that, silly, or I wouldn’t be about to make love to you.”

He chuckled and shook his head. “You’ve got a real smart mouth, do you know that?”

“Yeah? So what are you going to do about it?”

The time for talking was over. It was time for Jeremy to make love to the woman who’d stolen his heart

in just under twenty-four hours flat. Fuck, that had to be some kind of record.

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