Dirt (Stone Barrington 2) - Page 21

“Well, then, what would you like to see here?”

“Your diary page for yesterday,” Stone replied.

She laughed, then handed it over.

Opposite four o’clock was written, “Stone Barrington, investigator,” and his address. He handed back the diary. “To whom did you speak between the time you left my house and, say, eight-thirty last night?”


“Let’s start with those you saw face to face.”

“Well, there’s Paul, my driver, of course, then I returned here and saw the doorman and the lobby man, then came upstairs in time to see Martha and my two other people before they left for the day.”

“Did you say to any of them that you’d seen me?”

“No, but Martha knew I had, of course. Martha knows all.”

“Anybody else before eight-thirty?”

“No, I was home alone until nine, when I left for a dinner party.”

“Do your employees commonly come into your office when you’re out?”

“Yes, I suppose; they leave me notes or copy to read.”

“Do you ordinarily leave your diary open on your desk?”

“Ahhhh,” she said. “Yes, I do.” She produced the scandal sheet with the mention of his assignment. “Have you seen this?”

“I saw it at eight-thirty last night. When did you write my name in your diary?”

“When I made the appointment with you, earlier yesterday.”

“Do any outside people come into your offices?”

“Messengers, visitors.”

“Did you have any visitors yesterday?”



“There’s a constant stream of them, but there’s no way Martha would have let one of them into my office.”

“Does Martha keep a duplicate diary of your day?”

“Yes, in her middle desk drawer.”

/> “Does she ever leave it on her desk?”

“Possibly. I could ask her. You think, then, that someone saw your name in my diary?”

“So far, it seems the only possible way that anyone could have known you brought me into this.”

“You think it’s one of my people, then?”

“Not necessarily, but it’s a possibility to keep in mind. Who cleans your offices?”

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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