Dirt (Stone Barrington 2) - Page 57

Stone fingered the glass, but did not pick it up. “It’s a little early for me,” he said.

“Then leave it; I’ll drink it.”

“Have you told Dick about this man?”

“Not yet.”

“Tell him, but don’t use the phone in your apartment; it may be bugged.”

“Dick was always careful about that.” She pulled a tiny cellular phone from her coat pocket. “That’s why he gave me this.”

“Be careful, even using that, and don’t see him until I get a handle on this.”

“He won’t like that,” she said with a small smile, taking a large swig from her martini.

“I’ll talk to him. In fact, can I borrow your phone?”

She handed it over.

“What’s his number?”

She gave it to him. “That’s his cellular. Let it ring once, then hang up; that’s our signal. He’ll call back as soon as he can.”

Stone followed her instructions, then set the little phone on the table. “How long will he take?”

“Depends; if he’s in a meeting, it could be a while.”

Stone eyed the martini but didn’t pick it up.

“Oh, go on; it’s good for you. There was an article in the Times this morning, said it’s good for you.”

“I’ve got to keep a clear head,” Stone said.

She leaned forward, and her cleavage made an entertaining sight. “A clear head is not always an advantage,” she said.

Stone managed a chuckle.

“Tell me about you,” she said.

“Not much to tell.”

“Are you seeing anybody?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.”

She looked disappointed. “Pity.”

“It’s flattering that you think so.”

“I spend so much time alone,” she said. “Quite frankly, Stone, I’d like some company.”

The phone rang, and Stone silently thanked God. “You answer,” he said, “then I’ll talk to him.”

She picked up the phone and punched a button. “Hey,” she breathed. She listened for a moment, then smiled. “I’d really love to, but someone sitting here says we shouldn’t. I’ll put him on.” She handed the phone across the table.

“It’s Stone.”

“What the hell are you doing with her?” Hickock demanded.

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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