Swimming to Catalina (Stone Barrington 4) - Page 52

“What are we looking for?”


“But he didn’t come here after we lost him; his car was nowhere to be seen around here.”

“All right, then look for something that might tell us where the fuck he is. Oney was pretty pissed off when I talked to him this morning.”

“Oh, right.”

They went into the bedroom, and their voices became less distinguishable. A couple of minutes later they came out and he could understand them again.

“What’s down there?”

“I’ll see.” The voice was coming down the hall.

A shadow passed the linen closet, and Stone cocked the iron.

“Another two bedrooms; real neat, like they haven’t been used.” The shadow passed again, going the other way. “What n


“Let’s drive around a little and see if we see his car.”

“Aw, come on, he’s long gone by now.”

“You want to explain that to Oney?”

“All right, all right.” They started down the stairs.

Stone put the iron back onto the shelf and carefully opened the bifold doors. He hopped off the dryer and tiptoed to the top of the stairs, anxious to get a good look at both men for future reference. He caught sight of their backs as they walked out the front door. Stone ran down the stairs and, keeping near the wall, peeked out the venetian blinds of the front windows. This time he got a better look at them as they got into the silver Lincoln. They were beefy, tanned, and fairly conservatively dressed, for California. He waited until they drove away, then went back upstairs, glancing at his watch. He’d give them half an hour.

Ten minutes later, impatient, he set his bags down in the front hall, stuck his head out the door, and looked both ways; there was no sign of the Lincoln. He had thought about going out the back way and picking his way through the back yards, but that could get him arrested. Instead, he left the house and walked steadily but not hurriedly up the street, toward Wilshire Boulevard. At the Beverly Wilshire he entered the hotel through the front door, took the elevator down to the garage, paid for his parking, and drove out into the street, still looking for the Lincoln. He drove slowly and watchfully back to Betty’s house, parked the car, retrieved his luggage, and drove away.

Shortly he was back at the Beverly Hills car rental company. “Hi,” he said to the young man behind the desk, “I’m bringing back the SL500; I’d like another car, please.”

“Something wrong with the Mercedes?”

“I’d like something a little less conspicuous.”

“In Beverly Hills, there’s nothing less conspicuous than an SL50O.”

“Good point, but what about a nice sedan?”

“Let’s take a look,” the young man said, leading the way to a row of glittering cars.

“That,” Stone said, pointing. It was a Mercedes, the E-class sedan, metallic green, a nice neutral color.

“The E430? Great car; it has the V8 engine.”

“That will do nicely.”

Stone signed the new paperwork and transferred his luggage to the new car, then noticed the name of the rental agency next to his license plate. He dug a hundred-dollar bill from his stash and approached the desk again. “It’s just possible that somebody might come around asking about me,” he said, pushing the bill across the counter. “If that happens, I’d appreciate it if you’d tell them that I turned in the car this morning and that you drove me to the airport.”

“You bet,” the young man said, pocketing the hundred. “Which airline?”

“What flies to New York?”

“United; there’s a flight leaving about now.”

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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