Swimming to Catalina (Stone Barrington 4) - Page 58

“Maybe that’s just what she told Calder.”

Stone blinked. “She’s with another man, you mean?”

“That’s what I mean. If you look at this as purely a domestic matter, it all fits. They have a fight, and she takes off for a few days; not the first time that has happened. Calder panics and calls you. You arrive, and Calder is feeling a little stupid for having done so, so he entertains you for a while, then ships you back to New York. In the meantime, the Calders haven’t settled their differences, one of which might be another man, so she hasn’t come home yet. Maybe she’s cranking up for a divorce.”

“But why would they stick me in Vance’s movie, pay me a lot of money, then replace me with another actor?”

“To keep you out of Calder’s face about his wife. He certainly has enough power to ask the producer to do that; maybe he even reimbursed Centurion for their costs. He’s rich enough.”

“Yes, he is, I suppose. But if the explanation is as simple as that, why were Ippolito’s men following me last night?”

“Maybe Ippolito is doing Calder a favor. Look, I think your presence here has been an embarrassment for Calder—it shows him up as something of a schmuck—and movie stars don’t like being seen to be schmucks, not to mention cuckolds.”

“Why would the two guys who were following

me break into Betty’s house and search it?”

“To find out if you’re still in town?”

“Maybe. I think I shook them by changing cars.” He thought for a moment. “Why would Arrington call me from Grimaldi’s?”

“Because she wanted to talk to you?”

“What would she be doing there?”

“Maybe she’s seeing somebody who frequents the place.”

“So you’re saying that every move that everybody has made this week can be explained by a domestic quarrel and a boyfriend on the side?”

“Stone, try and look at this business like a cop. Doesn’t that scenario answer all the questions? If you had been assigned to investigate possible foul play, would you continue to investigate at this point?”

“No, I wouldn’t,” Stone admitted.

“So, maybe your personal stake in all this is what’s driving you. I mean, I admit that a lot of screwy stuff has happened in a very short time, but I’ve seen screwier stuff happen without a crime being committed, haven’t you?”


“I’m not underrating the value of a good hunch; if you’ve got a hunch, then that’s a good enough reason to pursue this.”

“I guess a hunch is all I’ve got,” Stone said. “What would you do, in my place?”

Grant thought about that for a minute. “I guess I’d pursue it until I was convinced one way or the other.” He laughed.

Stone laughed with him. “I guess that’s what I’m going to do,” he said. “I’m going to find out what’s going on, one way or the other.”


S tone was wakened by a ringing telephone at his bedside. He tried to ignore it, but it rang on and on. Finally, he picked up the instrument. “Hello?” he said grumpily.

“Rise and shine,” Betty said. “Today, you’re mine.”

“What time is it?”

“Nearly eight o’clock.”

“I haven’t slept like that in months,” he said. “I could have kept going another four hours.”

“Today we play, pal. Now here’s what you do; you pack an overnight bag, and don’t bring a necktie. A swimsuit and tennis clothes would be nice, but if you didn’t bring them we can pick them up later. Got that?”

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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