Worst Fears Realized (Stone Barrington 5) - Page 65

“I think that’s a good idea,” Stone said. “The policeman will have a sketch of our suspect, but we can’t be sure how accurate that is.”

“I’ll speak to my wife,” Bergman said. “I assume that someone will be with Sarah the whole time.”

“I will be with her,” Stone said.

“Are you a policeman, Mr. Barrington? You certainly don’t look like one.”

“No, but I used to be. I’m an attorney, now; my interest in Sarah is personal. What’s upstairs?”

“Accounting, shipping, and clerical,” Bergman replied. “The fire exit and all the windows are heavily reinforced against outside entry.”

Stone’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He held out a hand to the gallery owner. “Thank you, Mr. Bergman,” he said. “I won’t take up any more of your time.”

“Not at all,” Bergman replied, shaking his hand. “We have a mutual interest in Sarah’s safety. Good day.”

“Good day.” Stone turned toward the door, reaching in his pocket for the phone. “Hello?”

“It’s Dino. We need to talk.”

“How about lunch? I’m just down the street from La Gouloue.”

“Ten minutes,” Dino said, then hung up.

Stone put the phone back in his pocket, walked outside, and headed uptown.


L A GOULOUE WAS A FASHIONABLE MADISON Avenue restaurant with a clientele of beautiful people and people who wished to be seen in the same restaurant with beautiful people. Stone wasn’t a regular, but he got a decent table. Dino arrived a minute later. When they had ordered drinks and lunch, Stone looked at his friend, who seemed concerned.

“What’s up, Dino?”

Dino sipped his mineral water. “You remember Eloise Enzberg?”


“Mitteldorfer’s regular correspondent, a woman he used to work with.”

“Oh, yes; you had her checked out after our meeting at Sing Sing, didn’t you?”

“Yeah; she told us nothing, and neither did her neighbors.”

“What’s up with her?”

“Nothing, anymore.”


“They pulled her body out of the East River this morning. She was once a government employee, so her prints were available.”

“Any suspects?”

“Just the one.”

“Why would he kill her?” Stone asked.

“Maybe he used her, then dumped her.”

“Used her for what? He was in prison, remember?”

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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