Cold Paradise (Stone Barrington 7) - Page 159

“Typical,” Dino said. “They liked what you told them, so they’re poaching on your territory.”

“It’s what they do,” Stone said.

“What’s this about?” Dino asked. “Can’t be the bank robbery.”

“No. At least my department has no interest in that; the FBI might. I’m here about a possible homicide.”

Dino and Stone looked at each other.

“Manning has been a busy guy,” Stone said.

“Manning?” Parker asked.

“The fingerprint belongs to a man named Paul Manning. Or, at least, that used to be his name.”

“Tell us about the homicide,” Dino said.

“It was last year,” Parker said. “A Houston business-man died of an apparent heart attack, but our medical examiner wasn’t entirely satisfied with that as a cause of death.”

“What did he suspect?” Stone asked.

“Poisoning, of a very special kind. Apparently, there are two common household products which, when mixed, create a poison that can’t be analyzed.”

“I’ve heard about that poison,” Stone said, “but I don’t know what the household products are.”

“Neither do I,” Parker said, “and the ME wouldn’t tell me. Said it’s not the sort of knowledge that should be spread around, and I think I agree. He did look around the house and said both products were present.”

“But why do you think Manning had anything to do with this?”

“Because this guy Manning, if that’s who he is, left a thumbprint on a bedside glass, right next to the body.”

“And these two chemicals were in the glass?”

“No, the glass was clean, except for the thumbprint. The ME theorizes that the murderer removed the glass containing the poisons and substituted a clean one.”

“And what was the outcome of the case?”

“It’s still open,” Parker said, “until we can find the owner of the fingerprint and question him. Do you have any idea where I can find Paul Manning?”

“He may be in Palm Beach,” Stone said. “Two of Chief Griggs’s men have seen a man in town answering his description. Lately, he has also gone by the name of William Charles Danforth.” Stone gave Parker the Washington address. “I gave that to the FBI agents, too.” He gave him Manning’s description.

Parker made a note of everything.

“I’d suggest you tell Chief Griggs that you have a good reason for him to pick up the guy,” Stone said. “We didn’t have a reason before now.”

“I’ll do that right away,” Parker said. Stone handed him the phone, and he made the call. Parker spoke to Dan Griggs, then handed the phone to Stone. “He wants to talk to you.”


“Stone, I hear you’ve finally got something on this guy.”

“Well, Parker has, anyway.”

“It will give me the greatest pleasure to put out an APB on him.”

“He may be carrying ID saying that he’s William Charles Danforth, of Washington, D.C.”

“Got it. I’ll let you know if we pick him up.”

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024