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Sexy Six (The Bennett Brothers 2)

Page 47

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The hair on the back of my neck stands, and my body goes solid. He notices and laughs, slapping me on the shoulder. “You want to date my sister? Come see what you’re getting yourself into.”

I follow him to the back office, and as we approach, I hear voices. Grace is sitting on one side of Logan’s desk with the phone in the middle. She looks panicked when I walk in then shoots Logan an evil eye.

“Did you hear me, Grace Rae?” An older man’s voice comes through the speaker.

“Yes, Grandpa. I heard you.”

“And I don’t want those electronic ones either. I want the kind I can hold in my hand and show off. Everyone in town wants to see.”

“Grandpa, I’m a little busy right now. Can’t you please pull them up on your iPad?”

“Hell no! How can I brag about my grandchildren’s fancy gallery with an iPad? Besides, I’m not nifty on those gadgets.” He huffs.

“Now, you’re lying. I know for a fact that you are nifty. If you weren’t, how could you be a part of the fantasy league with Logan and Dad?” With each word, her accent changes, becoming more southern.

It’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever heard, and I have to fight getting hard.

“Don’t get smart, girlie! I want pictures.”

“Okay,” she relents, running a hand through her hair. “I’ll take care of it this weekend.”

“One more thing.”

“What?” she asks, exasperated.

“Don’t wear any of those coochie cutters tomorrow night. It’s tacky.”

Her eyes bulge, and she swings her head back and forth between the phone and Logan. “What did you say?”

“Those coochie cutters. You know those short shorts that cut into your—”

“GRANDPA! Where in the world did you learn that phrase?” Her face is completely red, shading darker by the second.

“Todd Chrisley.”

Logan lets out deep chuckle then tries to cover it with a cough. Grace is grasping the edge of the desk with white knuckles and shaking her head.

“When the hell did you start watching Chrisley Knows Best? Didn’t we talk about these programs? They’re not really reality.”

At this point, Logan is doubled over holding his stomach. I’m trying my best to hold in my own laughter.

“Peach Princess, this Todd guy has a good leash on life. I find myself relating to a lot of his situations. Did you know—”

“No, I don’t know… and I never will,” she cuts him off.

“Well, take my advice and don’t wear any coochie cutters tomorrow night.”

“Stop saying coochie!” she shouts.

“All right, Peach Princess, calm down. I was only trying to help.” He starts laughing.

“Grandpa, I love you, but I need to go.”

“Wait! We haven’t even gotten to talk about your new fella. Logan says you’re dating a new guy. He even says this guy’s decent, makes a good living, has a good job, and seems to be a family man. Gotta say, I’m pleased to hear this after that thug Pledge.”

A strangled sound escapes her as she slices her eyes back to Logan. He stops chuckling immediately. Her eyes flare with irritation then start to shine. She crinkles her eyebrows and purses her lips, then a look of mischief crosses her face.

“Oh, did he? Logan says I’m dating a new fella, huh? Well, Grandpa, I think he’s probably trying to avoid telling you all about his new girlfriend. Her name is Melanie, and she’s a doll. And for some reason, she’s crazy about him. You may want to tell Mom there might be white dresses and wedding bells in the future.”

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