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Sexy Six (The Bennett Brothers 2)

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“No, no.” I cover my mouth and force myself to calm down. “I’m sorry. Tell me more. What did you do next?”

“I left her alone.”

Now, it’s my turn to be horrified. “Logan, your girlfriend started crying and you left her alone? That’s terrible. Tears are not the kiss of death.”

“I didn’t know what to do.”

“Well, take a page out of the Nick Bennett playbook and go get her something nice. Surprise her with it. Tell her you’re sorry and truly mean it.”

He truly looks like a lost boy, so I try to think of something to help him out.

“I got it!” I snap my fingers and turn to the computer. When I find the email, I forward it to his work address.

“Want to fill me in?”

“Yep, when we were at the game, she mentioned wanting to get familiar with the art world a little more, to know about our business since you are so involved. I got an invitation this morning to view some pieces going on display at a gallery downtown. The artist wants us to consider him for next year. I wasn’t going to be able to go because it’s the weekend I’m going to Jacksonville. You should go and take Melanie. You can show her a little of what we do.”

He doesn’t seem overjoyed at the idea.” I don’t know, Grace. That’s more your scene. You’re better at that.”

“Bullshit. You’re great. You pulled it all together when I was still in school, and look at the masterpiece we did with both our styles.” I wave my hand to the room.

He glances around and starts to nod. “Yeah, okay. I’ll ask her to go with me.”

“Great!” I jump up and down clapping, completely satisfied with my meddling. I like Melanie, and even if she’s not the one for Logan in the long run, I’d hate to see him lose her for being a dumbass.

“And besides, I need to get back into practice. I’ll have to be the point person when you’re gone.”

Confusion hits me. “Gone?”

“Gone for the apprenticeship, or whatever you call it in that program.”

Ugh, that damn program. I had to finesse my way through questions from my family all weekend about the waiting process. They’re convinced I need to call and follow up since it will start in less than two months. If accepted, I’ll have very short notice to get things in order.

The truth is, I’m not convinced it’s what I want to do anymore. My apprehension has grown stronger and stronger each day. Thinking about leaving Nick for any period of time makes my stomach roll. But it’s not only him. I love my job and my life in Miami. Going away doesn’t appeal to me as much now, even if it is only for a few months.

I’m not ready to have this conversation with Logan, so I smile politely and start placing the gifts back into the picnic basket. “I sent you that email. You should call Melanie now and invite her so you can RSVP.”

“Good idea.”

As soon as he’s out of the room, I hug the jersey to my chest and think again about Nick’s notes. Then an idea pops in my head, and I grab my phone before I lose my nerve. In order to pull this off, I’ll need some help. I find the number and press send, thankful that Nick made me save all his family’s contact information.

“Shaw Bennett’s office, this is Gail.”

“Hey, Gail, it’s Grace Monroe.”

“Grace dear, how are you?”

“I’m great. How about you?”

“My only complaint is my boss.”

I giggle, knowing she and Shaw have an excellent relationship. “You should demand a raise. I hear Shaw’s been in a generous mood lately.”

“You heard about that, huh? It’s quite an extravagance.”

“Bizzy came by on Tuesday and showed me. She tried to act nonchalant, but I could tell she was beyond excited.”

I’m referring to the brand new car Shaw surprised Bizzy with over the weekend. To me, it was a luxurious, sporty convertible, but Nick explained the 911 C4 Cabriolet is so much more than a ‘sporty convertible’. It is a top of the line, specially ordered, high-end car meant to make a statement. He may have known Shaw was buying it, but seeing it was a different story. Bizzy said she swears he started drooling.

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