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Sexy Six (The Bennett Brothers 2)

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She peers up and gives me a small smile when I walk in, finishing her conversation. Logan comes from the back, his lips going tight when he spots me.

We’ve spoken exactly three times since I left him on the floor last Monday night. None of the conversations have been pleasant. The last was after his grandpa sent a message through him that we’d fucked up.

If that wasn’t a kick in the gut. Fucked up wasn’t even in the right category of what we did, but it was done. Now, it was time to fix the mistakes.

“Logan, can you lock the front door and meet us in your office.” Grace hangs up and motions me to the back.

I eagerly follow, my hands begging to snatch her into my arms and carry her. She steps inside the door and stops, pointing for me to sit.

“Hey, Sweet Peach, it’s good to see you.” I bend and kiss her cheek, my lips lingering on the soft skin before I go to the chair.

Logan comes in and sits on the corner of his desk looking at her expectantly. “Are you actually going to talk to me now?”

“I’ve been talking to you.”

“No, you’ve been answering questions and emailing every chance you get. Even from fifteen feet away, you email me.”

“There’s a reason.” She flips her hair over her shoulder and looks between us. Her eyes are clear and expressionless, her face unreadable.

“I asked Nick to join us because I wanted you both to hear it from me. Your ploy worked. It’s taken a few days, but I’ve been able to rescind my rejection, and I’m going to study with AIT. I leave in a week.”

All the air is sucked out of the room at her announcement. Logan drops his eyes to the floor, while I stare at her. A week? She’s leaving me in a week? That’s not enough time to clean up the mess I’ve made.

“I’ve obviously had to make some changes to my schedule, but the organizers were kind enough to work with me. You both should know that I’m grateful for the push. It turns out my talents have gotten the attention of some pretty renowned people, and I didn’t have to plead for another chance. Thank you both for your faith in me.”

“Grace, this wasn’t about faith. This was about you, all about you,” Logan tries to explain.

“In order to leave you in the best possible position while I’m gone, I’ve been making calls and scheduling interviews for some help in the gallery. When you check your email, you’ll see I’ve updated both our calendars with interviews scheduled and resumes attached. If you’re unhappy with my choices, please feel free to start your own search.” She goes on as if he didn’t speak. “But I’ll be honest; these are the best I’ve come across. If their interviews go well, you’ll have a hard choice because they’re all eager to get their foot in the door of an art gallery such as ours. All of them would clean the toilets if we asked, for a chance to learn the business from you. Ultimately, the choice is yours.”

“Grace, stop being so aloof. The choice is ours,” Logan snaps at her, and I ball my hand into a fist, ready to pound him if he gives her more attitude.

“Whatever.” She shrugs and goes to the other side of the desk, careful not to get close to either of us.

She gathers a handful of papers, and my heart dulls to a slow thump. She lifts her eyes to mine again, but this time, there’s a fire of righteousness as she aims her words at me.

“One thing I learned from my grandma was to dig deep until you discover the root of the problem. Well, I did my digging and uncovered a string of deceit.” She lays out the emails Logan retrieved from her private account. “If I didn’t know it already, here’s the proof that you two were in cahoots. Why and how, I don’t want to know, but your gig is up. I’m aware now that I never stood a chance to explain myself and my reasoning. You bot

h took it upon yourselves to dictate what was best for me.”

Oh, fuck! My neck can no longer support my head, and I drop my chin to my chest.

“But I’m not mad. I love you both, and I’m going to follow your wishes.”

My head snaps up, my neck cracking painfully, but I stare at her. Hearing her say she loves us give me hope that there is a path to forgiveness. Logan stays quiet, too, his lips in a tight line.

My hope dies as she goes to the door again, her back to us. “In case you haven’t figured it out, you hurt me deeply. Regardless of the motives, I’ve never felt so inconsequential in my life. But that’s over now.”

“Logan?” She looks over her shoulder. “I’ll be back tomorrow morning. We’re moving on from this.”

“Nick.” She twists enough to speak directly to me. “I’d love if we could have dinner before my trip. It would be nice to clear the air before I get on that plane.”

With that, she’s gone, leaving me to stare after her with my jaw hanging and my ass glued to the chair.

“Welp, we’re both fucked.” Logan lets out a loud breath. “That was Grace’s way of dismissing us both.”

“Bullfuckingshit!” The shock wears off, and my legs find strength, pushing me up. “I’m going after her.”

His hand lands on my forearm as I pass, and I growl at the interruption. “Good luck,” he says, snatching his hand away.

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