Salvation (Surrender 3) - Page 1




The smell of burning flesh fills my nostrils, and I swallow hard to keep the bile from rising in my throat. Darkness consumes me. My eyes refuse to open. The shouting gets louder, so loud my eardrums ring in pain. I try to push myself up, but my arms won’t hold me as my body falls back to the ground. Pain radiates everywhere. I’m able to roll onto my side before I throw up, tasting blood.

Heat from the fires and gasoline surround me as I try one more time to move, finally able to open my eyes. Lifeless bodies circle my own, and I start to scramble, ignoring the increasing pain in my legs.

“FUCK!” I roar, shaking the man lying next to me. The movement causes his head to turn, and I know immediately he is dead. Cold lifeless eyes stare back at me.

Looking around, I see they’re all dead. Remembering the explosion that caused our truck to flip, it comes back to me.

Memories of driving to the nearby town to help the villagers. The sun shining in the early morning light. A sense of easiness as we relaxed for the first time in months. The truck filled with laughter as we shot the shit about nothing.

Hunter’s a pussy because he thinks he’s in love.

Jones is an idiot because he thinks the Cowboys are going to the Super Bowl.

Brand’s going to create the next great app and retire a millionaire.

The endless joke that Finn and I are secret lovers.

These guys are my fucking family, and two of them are dead at my feet.

“ROBBIE! Where the fuck are you?” Finn screams.

“Over here,” I croak as smoke fills my lungs.

“Hold on, motherfucker. I’m going to get you.”

“Finn? Are you okay, man?”

“Yes, and you are too. Grab on.” He appears next to me and hauls me over his shoulder. Each step he takes shoots excruciating pain down my side.

Finally, he collapses, with blood covering his body. I can’t move my legs, and that’s when I see half of one of them is mangled to the bone. There’s no time to say anything when another explosion goes off, and I look to the fireball in the very spot we just were.

That could have been us, I think over and over again.

I reach to find Finn, but there’s nothing.

My eyes shoot open, and I’m covered in sweat, clawing at the bed.

“Shit!’ I scream at my empty room as I try to control my racing heart. The TV blares. I groan when my leg hits the floor, refusing to wake up. It takes a few minutes for me to get enough strength to stand. Damn, it’s been a while since the nightmare has shaken me this bad.

The time on my phone reads four thirty am; there’s no way I’m falling back asleep. Thoughts of an auburn haired, blue-eyed girl run through my mind. The image of her smiling at me with those deep dimples soothes the rapid beat of my heart. It’s been weeks since I’ve seen her, but she’s still at the forefront of my mind.

“What the hell is wrong with me? Ember’s too good for a man like me.” I think to myself for the hundredth time since laying eyes on her.

When I make it to the shower, I’m literally shaking. Little do I know, today will change my life forever.

Chapter 1

I’m Sorry


Time seems to stand still as I watch the clock on the wall, wishing I could close the store. Today has been hell with calls from people asking if we are providing the formalwear for the upcoming wedding of the year. I personally thought that naming Raven’s wedding the ‘Wedding of the Year’ was quite ridiculous.

It’s common for us to receive calls when a local celebrity announces they’re getting married. I’ve experienced it many times throughout the last five years. When the article came out today, identifying Raven as the mystery woman engaged to Sayge frontrunner, Declan Collins, I was prepared. The band became a success after touring this summer and then releasing a hit that’s climbing the charts.

They’ve become extremely popular, seeing as they started locally.

I’d never really heard of them before Raven Hayes came into the store to order the tuxedos for her wedding and invited me to see them perform. Since that day, they’ve been spotlighted several times in local magazines and then the launch of their first single, “Surviving.” Raven told me once she was trying to remain anonymous as long as possible, but the article today changed that.

She deserves her privacy, so no matter how much publicity Clyde’s Formalwear would receive, I chose to stay quiet and silently deny involvement.

This man that came in today was obviously trying to get information. He claimed to be Max Roberts, and in the wedding party. What he didn’t expect was my personal relationship with Raven. When I called her, she confirmed my suspicions that he was fishing for information. Max is one of her closest friends, but he is in the Marines and lives in another state. I felt terrible for bothering her, but I wanted to make sure she hadn’t added anyone to her party and forgot to tell me.

The man left in a huff when I refused to fit him and asked for his ID.

I smile to myself, remembering the day she walked in the store with the three large, hot, and very intimidating men. In all the years I’ve been working here, not once have I acted as dumbstruck. Each of the men was attractive in their own way. I’ve never had a thing for piercings and tattoos, but Declan was one of the sexiest guys I’d ever met.

My heart actually skipped a beat when my eyes landed on the man standing to the back of their group with his arms crossed, looking bored. He was the most ruggedly handsome man I’d ever seen. Working in retail for the last five years gave me the unique talent of being able to read a man’s body on sight. One glance at him and I knew he was muscular. His broad shoulders and thick arms bulged under the lightweight sweater that fit like it was made only for him. He was tall, much taller than me; I guessed six-two, or six-three. His dark hair was a mixture of chocolate and chestnut, longer on top but shaved on the sides. The close shave told me right away it was a military cut. The whole package was stunning, but when his deep blue… no, that’s not right- royal blue eyes met mine, I quit breathing.

Fashion is my passion, and being able to distinguish different shades of general colors is a specialty of mine. In that moment, four different color descriptions came to mind to define his piercing stare.

All sense of professionalism vanished when the men stepped out of the dressing rooms in their midnight black tuxes. My cheeks start to blush, recalling how flustered I became taking their measurements. My hands trembled as I tried to write them down. Raven had to step in and help. As soon as they went back to change, I apologized profusely at my behavior. Raven blew me off and laughed. She told me who each of them was, and I knew my mistake the instant my face flushed when she pointed out Robbie was her brother. Her eyes grew wide at my reaction.

I took a huge step out of my comfort zone that night by going to the bar, but even with all that happened, I’m glad I did. Her friends were welcoming and kind. I was enjoying myself until I felt someone watching me. When I turned around, a shudder ran through my body. Robbie gripped the rim of his beer bottle tight and gave me a once over before slamming his way through a back door. He obviously was not happy to see me. If I knew him better, I would guess he was pissed. Why, I have no idea. No one seemed to notice the exchange, but it was all I could do not to run away, mortified.

The only thing that kept me there was the nagging voice in the back of my head telling me it was time to meet people and enjoy my life. At twenty–three years old, I should be living it up and having fun. Instead, I’m a hermit, only going out with my cousin and his boyfriend on occasion.

Next time I saw Robbie, it was equally as crushing when he realized Raven invited me to the Surviving Launch party. That time, I was prepared. He wouldn’t get to me, even if he did look like the very best candidate for a Gucci model in his black suit that hugged his body like a vice. Unfortunately, Raven saved me a seat at her table, forcing me to sit through dinner near him. I almost choked on my tongue when he pulled out the chair for me, but what took my breath away was when he smiled a few seconds later.

Something changed in his demeanor toward me after that, but I kept my guard up. The last thing I wanted was to embarrass myself by saying something stupid. His body language, dark looks, and lack of enthusiasm at my arrivals, told me all I needed to know. He was not interested.

I know what people think of me- plain, boring, innocent. I’m the girl that’s always overlooked but forever dependable. Men like Robbie Hayes don’t give me a second glance.

The bell over the door rings, announcing a visitor. If this is another nosy non-customer, I’m closing the shop for the night. Grabbing my pen and order form, I walk to the front with a pasted-on smile. My heels get caught in the rug, and the items in my hand go flying. I reach for something to help me balance, but before I can catch myself, strong arms stop me from going down. I screech and clumsily fall into a wall of muscle. When my gaze meets his, humiliation floods through my body. None other than Robbie Hayes is watching me, smirking.

“You okay?” he asks warmly, his eyes shining.

Tags: Ahren Sanders Surrender Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024