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Salvation (Surrender 3)

Page 24

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“Hey, sleepyhead.” I walk to the bed, brace my fists on each side of her hips, and lean in to kiss her forehead. “Not sure I’ve ever met anyone that sleeps as hard as you do, and that’s saying something. Tripp and Gabe are notorious for sleeping through almost anything.”

“I woke up confused. Did we fall asleep on the couch and you carry me up here?”

“Yeah, then you asked me to stay and I couldn’t say no.”

“I did not!”

“Oh, yeah, you did. I slept right here under you all night.” I lift her chin and kiss along her lips lightly. “Unfortunately, I’ve got to get to work. Hope you don’t mind that I took a shower.”

“Of course not. Do you want some coffee? It can be ready in less than five minutes.”

Forgetting about the time, I nod and step back, allowing her to scoot out of the bed. She looks down and back to me. “Did you undress me?” She tries to cover herself.

“Nope, you did that all on your own. I was a gentleman. But have to say, it was hard when you plastered yourself to my side in that skimpy get-up.” I tease her and watch the blush I’m beginning to love spread up her neck.

She rushes to the bathroom and shuts the door, and I head to the kitchen, anticipating a thorough interrogation.

Instead, Cruz shoots a smile my way and Alex slaps me on the shoulder. I look between them, waiting, but neither says a thing.

“We know what you’re thinking, but we’re not mad, or upset, or anything but happy. It’d be a different story if you fucked her and left her wondering what was going to happen next. But it’s obvious that isn’t the case,” Cruz tells me.

“Jesus Christ. The last two times I’ve been around you, I get the impression you think I’m a fucking douchebag. Did I piss you off in an alternate life or something?”

“No, and now you have our blessing.”

“Great. Now that that bullshit is out of the way, I need to talk to you about something. I came close to fucking up last night and need your advice.”

Both men look at

me intently.

“I asked about Ember’s family, and she shut down. Guard up in less than two seconds flat. Her voice changed and her attitude did a complete one-eighty. She spouted some shit about me having great parents. I told her I was sorry and to tell me to mind my own business.

“Less than half an hour later, she was lying on my chest in tears, telling me about her dad.”

Cruz’s face goes pale as he sets his coffee on the counter, his eyes never leaving mine. “She told you about Thad? Did she tell you about, Serena, her mom?”

“Is that the name of the scum of the earth that gave birth to her? She told me a little.”

“Robbie, she never talks about them, I mean never. You need to know this is huge.”

“I feel it in my bones. Felt her tears leaking into my skin. It’ll take time, but she’ll always know she’s safe with me. From what she told me, her mom’s a piece of shit. That’s why I need your advice. I like Ember, want to see where this thing leads us. Those are my intentions.” I emphasize the word and watch Cruz’s lips curl. “But I also want to know about her. That’s the getting to know you portion of dating, but I’m walking a very thin line. How far can she be pushed?”

The men share another look, and this time Alex speaks. “Just be delicate. We’ve encouraged her to talk for years, but each time she relives some of her memories, it transports her back to a frightened, insecure, and devastated young woman. So in turn, we quit asking, but you’re right. If you want a relationship, she needs to talk to you. Be warned, though. Her shit isn’t pretty. We are lucky of the woman she became. Her past could have made her into a totally different person.”

“Fucking hell, what am I supposed to think of that?”

Cruz stands straight and posts a smile on his face. “Little Star, thought you may sleep the day away.”

Ember walks in and throws a nasty look his way, then her eyes fall on me. “Do you still have time for coffee?”

“Can I take it to-go?”

Her face falls, but she nods and reaches for a travel mug. “How do you like it?”


The men leave, giving me an encouraging look. I walk to Ember, take the full mug out of her hand, and place it on the counter. “Look at me. The reason I asked for a travel mug is because I’d much rather spend my five minutes kissing you than drinking coffee.”

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