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Salvation (Surrender 3)

Page 26

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“Did you grow a pussy overnight? We may need to get that checked out.”

“No, I’ve had my pussy moments, and they were eight weeks with your sister in Paris. I became very familiar with the scent of women’s shampoos and lotions. The coconut, the citrus, the spearmint… I know it all. And I know you didn’t spend the night with RJ, so tell me. Who is she?”

“Really? Are you my fucking mom?”

“Might as well be, since I haven’t seen you this well rested in over a year. Tell me, or when I talk to Raven in an hour, I’ll mention this.”

“You’re a prick. Thought we were brothers. You’d throw me to the wolves?”

He shrugs and sits, waiting for me to speak.

“It’s Ember. I spent the night. Woke up too late to go home so had to shower there.”

A huge grin spreads across his face, and he whistles. “Another one bites the dust.”

“What does that mean?”

“You stayed the night with her? At her house? Aren’t you the king of no sleepovers?”

“It’s not like that with her. We literally slept. But after this morning, I’m not sure what I’m in for.”

“Oh, shit. Was she clingy, sobby, planning the next night?”

“None of the above. She’s closed, quiet, guarded. There’s something there that’s bad. I don’t know how bad yet. She has this cousin, real cool guy. She loves him like no other and he’s protective. But he’s also guarded. Sounds like she has some family issues. Dad is serving time.”

“Want me to look into her?”

“Nah, not yet. I know she’s clean. It’s her family I’m worried about.”

“How bad are we talking?”

“There’s a betrayal that runs deep. She opened up a bit and there were tears. Since we were sharing, I told her a about our accident.”

“All of it?”

“No, just the basics.”

“So are we talking about wounded bird, where you help her fly? Or wounded animal that sticks around for life?”

“You’re a fucking jerk. Really? Is it so hard to believe I like this girl?”

“Nope, just wanted to hear you say it.”

I stare at him for a full minute before I burst out laughing. “You’re going to eat your words soon, brother. Just wait.”

“She’s sweet, Robbie. I’ve only been around her a few times, but if

you can look this good, rested, after one night with her, I like it.” He gets up to leave.


“Save it. I was there in that hospital. We both lost the same guys. They plague my dreams at night, too. But you, you were worse. If this girl can make you happy, then I’m happy.”

He walks out, leaving me staring at the door. Without saying the gushy shit, he said it all.


At six-thirty, I check my watch for the first time in hours. This has been the busiest Friday since before the holidays, and I’m hoping Jonas will show early so Robbie and I can go by my house before meeting his friends.

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