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Salvation (Surrender 3)

Page 28

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I go slowly, processing his father is watching us attentively. As soon as I’m close enough, Robbie reaches out and wraps both arms around my waist possessively, kissing the scar on my temple.

“Babe, you need to change your shampoo.”

“Too late now. Discovery’s done,” James states.

Feeling extremely uncomfortable, I turn to Jonas and his friend. “Maybe you two should get changed.”

They look around the small room and nod before heading into their respective dressing rooms.

“Can someone tell me what just happened here?”

“You may think your cousin is intrusive, but he has nothing on the Hayes clan. My dad’s here because he’s nosy. My guess is that showering at your house this morning was a dead giveaway. Who knew these guys were so informed about feminine hair products.”

“I’m still lost.”

“I smelled like you this morning when I got to work. Like I said, dead giveaway.”

Oh my God! Did he just confirm to his dad that he stayed the night with me? Heat creeps up my neck and cheeks. Without even seeing myself, I can tell they’re a glowing shade of red, maybe scarlet.

“But how’d he know it was me?”

“Probably because I mentioned you last week when I stopped by. Finn cornered me this morning, too.”

“Holy shit! Is this the ‘meet the dad’ moment?” Jonas interrupts. and I want to crawl into a hole and hide.

“Yeah, guess you could say that. You play for Vanderbilt, right?” James asks him, taking the unwanted attention from me.

“Absolutely! You watch the games?” Jonas beams with pride.

“I knew I recognized you. I go to some games. Provide security when needed.”

“Ummm, let me get you the receipts, and you can drop those off Monday morning.” I try to break free, but Robbie pulls me into him completely, kissing my lips hastily.

The next few minutes are a flurry of male dominant conversation about sports, security, and other things I’m not familiar with. Robbie holds me close and runs his lips across my head periodically. His fingertips draw lazy patterns on my arms, causing my skin to prickle. I catch James watching us with a knowing grin.

Finally, I gather my thoughts and step out of Robbie’s hold, and start shutting down. “Is everyone ready to go?” I ask the crowd.

“Yo, Ember, if it’s not too much to ask, can we get a picture with you in front of the store for instagram? Tomorrow night’s gonna rock…” Jonas takes out his phone and motions to me.

“Yeah, but only if you mention Clyde’s.”

I walk out front and stand between the two enormously tall guys, trying to smile at a selfie. Then Jonas surprises me by picking me up with one arm and positioning us. “You’re a shrimp. I need to bring you up here,” he says, making me giggle.

When he’s satisfied, he puts me down and thanks me again. Then he and his friend go to their cars. I walk back into the shop, where Robbie and his dad are waiting on me.

“Okay, James, here you go.” I hand him the tie.

“This was really a necessary errand, but Jenna would have done it for me. I had to see for myself.”

“Dad, stop badgering. We’ve got plans tonight.”

James nods and looks at me with sincerity. “Hope to see you again soon, Ember.” He gives Robbie a slap on the shoulder and leaves.

Once he is gone, Robbie locks the front door and turns off the lights, coming to me. “You ready?”

“I was hoping to go home and change. Do we have time?”

“Yeah, and I wanted to drop off your car. We’ll ride together.” He threads his fingers through mine and squeezes. When he lifts our intertwined hands to his lips and kisses my knuckles lightly, my head spins.

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