Salvation (Surrender 3) - Page 51

It hits me; this is us. We’re a true couple. We just had a conversation I’ve been scared to have with anyone, and he pushed me through without a bit of discomfort.

“Yes, but only on one condition. We watch ESPN. I’m beginning to have a thing for those guys.”

“I’m not sure it makes me comfortable.”

“Some of them are really hot,” I tease.

“Not helping, Ember,” Robbie growls.

“Okay, fine! Maybe we can find a Vanderbilt Basketball game and I can watch Jonas.”

“Really? Do I need to worry? My girlfriend has a thing for a twenty-one year old basketball player who looks at her like she’s dinner?”

I giggle. “He’s harmless. And besides, I’m pretty sure no one can compare to you. You’re a hero, remember?”

He gets tight underneath me and kisses my jaw. “Good comeback, babe.”

“Wait! Maybe Finn. He’s my hero, too.”

“Quit while you’re ahead.” He bites my neck lightly.

“Okay, but only if you promise to—” I don’t get to finish my sentence because he claims my mouth in a searing kiss.

“Bed?” I ask against his lips.

He nods and I scoot away, standing up. He follows me to my room and locks the door behind us.

“What time do you need to be up?” I ask, fiddling with my alarm clock.

“Finn wants to work out at six, so five would be good.”

“Five am? That’s crazy.”

“I have to go home and change, get clothes for work, and then hit the gym.”

I think through my words carefully. “I don’t want to be presumptuous, but maybe you can keep some things here so you don’t have to get up so early,” I blurt.

His face softens as he throws his shirt my way. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day.”

I blush, holding his stare. “I’d like that.”

He comes to me and lowers his mouth to my own.

“We’re getting there, Ember.”

“To me, we’re already there,” I tell him and mean it. He’s broken through every doubt I had.

Chapter 15

I Trust You


Declan’s nervous energy has driven me crazy tonight. He knew the girls were throwing RJ a shower, but when he heard it was a pleasure party, he went crazy. Gabe, Tripp, and I tried to calm him down, but he kept saying, ‘Sparkle doesn’t need that shit,’ and it made my mind wonder.

‘Does Ember need that shit?’

“I’m going to get her. It’s been long enough.” Declan slams his beer on the table.

Tags: Ahren Sanders Surrender Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024