Salvation (Surrender 3) - Page 82

“So why are you telling me this? Surely you know I can’t ask her about it, because then she’ll know you looked into her. How do I explain that? It’ll crush her.”

“It’s up to you to do what you think is best. I’m telling you because my gut tells me this isn’t over with Serena, especially when Natalie finds out there’s money to be given away. And, Robbie, I mean money. Ember’s family is sitting on a hefty bank account. They were smart to put everything in Chloe’s name. Those two women are coming back.”

“Jesus Christ.”

“Robbie, I’m worried about how this will affect Ember psychologically. I’ve seen it time and time again. Emotionally abused people aren’t always able to beat the emptiness away. No matter how much time passes, they crave acceptance. If you love this girl like you say you do, it’s time to convince her she’s strong enough to overcome anything.”

“How do you suggest I do that?”

“Ingrain yourself into her life. Make her trust you with everything she has. Tell her how important she is every day. Don’t ever give her a reason to doubt you. Become her safe haven. Smother her if you have to in order to make her understand the depth of your feelings. Because when she’s confronted by these two women, she’s going to need that strength.”

“Fuck me walking.” I lean my head back and stare at the ceiling, trying to figure out a way to handle this situation.

“My opinion is you should also talk to her family. Tell them my theory that Serena and Natalie are going to resurface. Get them prepared. In the meantime, I’ll be making some calls to see if we can’t get Thad’s situation changed.”

“What do you mean changed? He’s supposed to get out soon.”

“Let’s see if I can make it sooner.”

I want to ask more but Finn chooses that moment to walk in with a look of concern. “Time to read me in.”

“This is personal,” I tell him.

He raises an eyebrow and waits for me to say more.

“Seriously, man, you don’t want to get involved in this shit any further.”

He cont

inues to stare until my dad snickers.

“Fine, but I need a beer and you’re buying.” I get up and look at both men. “You coming?” I say to my dad who’s smirking.

“When did he get so dramatic?” Dad asks Finn, ignoring me.

“I noticed about two days after he became pussy-whipped. But hey, I’d be the same way if I had an Ember.”

“Watch it.” My growl is met with more laughter. But shit if he’s not right.

Chapter 26

You Mean Everything To Me


The nightmare is back.

“ROBBIE! Where the fuck are you?” Finn’s voice cuts through, bringing me back.

“Over here,” I croak as smoke fills my lungs.

“Hold on, Motherfucker. I’m going to get you.”

“Finn? Are you okay, man?”

“Yes, and you are too. Grab on.” He appears next to me and hauls me over his shoulder. Each step he takes shoots excruciating pain down my side.

Finally, he collapses with blood covering his body. I can’t move my legs, and that’s when I see half of one of them is mangled to the bone. There’s no time to say anything before another explosion goes off, and I look to the fireball.

Tags: Ahren Sanders Surrender Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024