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Salvation (Surrender 3)

Page 84

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“No, Little Star, he’s saying —”

“SHUT IT, CRUZ!” Ember’s harsh reaction shocks me. Everyone in the room is still watching her outburst.

“I love you all, but for the love of GOD, give me some credit! I’m over it!”

“Ember Lyn, calm down. Robbie is only telling us a theory. His dad knows what he’s talking about,” Thad says through the speakerphone with dread in his voice.

Ember’s eyes cut to mine, glaring with anger and hurt. They show no love or understanding.

“James Hayes is a brilliant man, but he doesn’t know how deep my hatred goes. Serena and Natalie won’t get to me, so everyone needs to stop worrying!”

Chloe opens her mouth to say something, but Ember’s eyes slice to her, daring her to disagree.

I’ve never seen this level of anger from her. Actually, she’s never been mad at all with me. I’m so wrapped up in the tension in the room, I don’t notice Ember grab her keys and run out the door. Before I can get to her, she’s backing out of the driveway and racing away.

Thad’s screaming into the phone, and Alex is trying to soothe Chloe, as Cruz paces. “Fuck, Uncle Thad! Why didn’t we know about the abuse?”

Thad is quiet. His voice cracks when he finally talks. “I was blind. Ember always told me she was clumsy. Serena promised me she would take care of her when I was sent away.”

“What’s done is fucking done. The signs were overlooked. Time to move on and figure out a way to make sure Ember is okay. I should have insisted she come here.” Chloe’s eyes glisten with unshed tears. “There’s so much we don’t know. Robbie, you have to help her.”

I nod and walk to the door. “I told Ember this already, but you need to know. She means everything to me. You get I’m protective. I’ll go fucking crazy if she’s ever hurt again. So she may be mad and angry, but she’s going to know what it’s like to be taken care of by me. I’m not backing off of this. I’ve never in my life doubted my dad, but for once, I hope he’s wrong.”

Without another word, I get into my truck and back out, trying to think of where Ember would go to be alone. Not wanting to waste time driving around, I dial Finn.

“What’s up?” he answers.

“Trace Ember’s phone.”

“Fuck, did you tell her?”

“Yeah, and I made the mistake of doing it in front of her family.”

“How’d that go over?”

“How do you think? I’m asking you to find her.”

“Looks like she’s at a bar on 21st. Texting the address now.”

“Thanks.” I hang up, my mind racing.

I walk into the bar and scan the room, spotting her in a back booth. My anger spikes and heart breaks at the same time. She’s staring into space, lost in thought. Her face is blank, her fingers tapping on the tabletop to their own rhythm. A server approaches, breaking her trance, and she politely takes the napkin he offers.

Her eyes land on mine, and she gives a slight shake, daring me. I take the challenge and stalk to her. She opens her mouth to speak, but I swoop down and seal my lips over hers. The kiss is brief, just enough to silence her as I sit down, forcing her to move over.

“Talk to me, Ember.”

“What’s there to say?” She drains her wine glass, never looking up at me.

“Tell me everything.”

“I don’t want the pity. It’s over. I survived.”

“You’ll never get pity from me. Only understanding. Please, baby, tell me.”

“God!” She blows out a loud breath and avoids looking at me. “I’m so ashamed.”

“Don’t ever be ashamed.” I cup her chin, forcing her to face me.

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