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Salvation (Surrender 3)

Page 93

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Thad literally shakes on the couch, and I send him a glare to calm down. The last thing Ember needs is to worry about him. A glass breaks, and Finn storms out the back. My dad’s angry eyes lock with mine. Silently, we communicate, ‘This guy is fucking going to pay’.

“Oh no.” Ember’s horrified expression stares in the direction of Finn.

“He’ll be okay. He’s protective by nature, but when someone he cares about is hurting, it’s a thousand times worse.”

We all sit uncomfortably quiet for a few minutes until Ember breaks the silence. “Can we move on? Maybe discuss how you all flew into the parking lot like bats out of hell? Or that Serena showed up, trying to pull Natalie out of here?”

“Serena showed up at the shop, saying she needed more money and it was time she talk to you. She was edgy, cagey, kept looking at her watch. It made me suspicious. It was a coincidence we were all at the store. She was talking nonsense about Thad’s responsibility to Natalie and the fact that it was time he recognized he had two daughters.

“Your dad let her have it, explaining that he knew everything that happened before and while he was in prison. He offered to pay for rehab and get her into drug counseling. That’s when Serena slipped that Natalie was waiting for you. We shoved her out the door, called the police, and took off here,” Chloe explains. “I think us calling the police is what tweaked her. She knew we were going to protect you and if Natalie hurt you, we’d press charges.”

“For one small second, one glimpse of the old Serena reappeared. She’s scared for Natalie. Goddamn! How did this happen?” Thad runs his hands through his hair.

“Better question is how do we get rid of this bitch?” Finn’s angry voice fills the room. His eyes scan everyone until they land on Ember.

She shutters slightly but moves away from me and walks to him. As soon as she grabs him into a hug, he relaxes. My breathing picks up, and I calm the impulse to claim her like a fucking madman. He’s my best fucking friend, so I’m happy he cares about her, but she’s mine. While she’s hurting like a motherfucker, she’s worried about him.

“I think we contact them,” Ember says slowly and catches her dad’s eye. “No money, but get a hold of Mom, I mean Serena, and see if she’ll help put Natalie in a rehab. No more money, no more games.”

“I’ll call my lawyer tomorrow and set some money aside in case she’s willing to go.”

“Seeing as I wasn’t here to see what went down, did anyone get a read on Natalie’s sanity? Is there a chance she’s physically dangerous?” Dad asks.

“I think the answer to that is pretty obvious, considering she abused Ember when they were under the same roof. We’re getting a restraining order.” I watch Ember nod in agreement.

“I hate to say it, but that’s a good idea. She’s always been horrible, but today, she looked at me revolted. Her eyes were wicked, and the way she glared at Robbie made me nervous.”

“I’ll call in a favor and see if an officer will meet us at my office tomorrow. Anyone else want to request an RO?” Dad looks around the room, but no one answers.

“Until we get a handle on this situation, Ember’s staying with me. Full time. We’ll arrange for her to have someone at the store. And no offense, but I mean one of us guys.” I look at my mom and Chloe.

“I agree,” Thad adds, not even blinking at the fact I announced his daughter is moving in with me.

“Dad, let’s talk to Hank or Tom tomorrow. See which one is available first. I can work from Clyde’s until we can get a schedule together with everyone.”

My dad’s lips twitch before he speaks. “Hank and Tom? Don’t you think they’ll stick out like a sore thumb? What makes you think they’ll even consider this, knowing forty hours a week will be spent in a boutique? Maybe we should talk to Jared.”

“Hell no! Hank and Tom are middle-aged, married, and have kids of their own. Jared’s out of the question. He’ll take one look at her, and then I’ll have to beat his ass. No way.”

My mom and Finn outwardly laugh at me, fueling my aggravation.

“Excuse me.” Ember’s hands go to her hips. “I think my mind was clouded and took a time-out for a few seconds. Did you just declare I’m moving in with you, can’t be alone with the women in my life, and am getting a middle-aged guard while at work?”

“Yes,” every man says in unison.

“A restraining order should be enough, and I know self defense! Don’t I have a say in this?”

“No,” we all repeat again.

“Robbie, we need to talk in the kitchen. Alone.”

“If we go to the kitchen, it won’t be to talk. It’ll be for me to kiss that

fucking sass right out of you.”

Her mouth flies open, and splotches start to form on her chest and neck. The recognizable blush fills her cheeks. “You did not just say that!”

My cock twitches watching her reaction. Call me a sick bastard, but when her blotches spread to her shoulders, all I want to do is run my lips along her soft skin.

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