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Salvation (Surrender 3)

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“That’s easy. Either rehab or jail. We know she’s passing drugs through that restaurant. One tip to the police will put her in jail.”

“You call that being a dad? Don’t you think one member of the family with a felony is enough?”

“My time is served, but since you brought it up, there’s one more thing. You communicate with me about Natalie. If I’m not available, talk to Chloe. Under no circumstances do you go near Ember for anything. Nothing. Ever.”

“I’m her mother.”

“You’ll live the rest of your life not knowing what a wonderful young woman she became. Despite your attempts to take her to hell with you, she’s still the shining star.”

“There’s nothing you can do to keep me away from my daughter,” she says snidely, challenging him.

“That’s where you’re wrong.” He pulls a thumb drive out of his pocket, flashing it. “This drive contains sworn statements, medical records, and verification from Ember that she suffered years of physical and emotional abuse. We also spoke to a child psychologist who agreed the emotional manipulation endured is indeed a form of not only child endangerment but also neglect.

“You get near Ember again, this goes directly to every law enforcement agency in Alabama.”

“You’re lying. She wasn’t abused, just weak.” Her face pales when she realizes her mistake.

Finn and I rumble at the same time, leaning onto our elbows, glaring at her with hatred. Thad’s shoulders straighten, and he leans back, giving Serena a few seconds of silence. The vein in his forehead ticks as he swallows several times.

“That’s a pretty nasty insult from a lady who’s about to be investigated on a number of child abuse charges. Hell, I’ll even tell my friends in the prosecutor’s office about your habit of having sex openly in front of your underage daughter. Pretty sure that could be interpreted as child pornography if given the right spin on the story. How’s it going to feel, defending yourself against those charges?”

“She’s twenty four years old!”

“Maybe so, but the statute of limitations varies. Sure we could make something stick. Even if we can’t, your reputation will take a hit. Your employer will question your morals. Your friends will question the type of mother you are, with one child estranged and one in rehab. People will talk about you everywhere you go. Any lovers you have won’t want to be associated with a possible monster. So you’re fucked.

“You stay away from Ember and your life stays the way it is.”

Horror and understanding wash over her face as she goes pale. Finn and I chuckle at the same time.

She lowers her head and then looks back at us with unshed tears. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. When Ember left, I realized the consequences of my actions through the years. You loved her so much more than us, and I resented her.”

“That’s bullshit, but if it lets you sleep at night, fine. You should know, she’s the reason I’m here today. She’s convinced me that we need to forgive you both.”

“You forgive me?”

“Fuck no, but I can say I tried.”

At this statement, Finn and I both roar with laughter as Serena’s face grows red with embarrassment. Highlight of the fucking day.

My mind races with possibilities as I ring the doorbell. Thad and Finn stand behind me with angry scowls that match my own.

The door opens, and it takes all my control not to swing at the man who caused Ember so much pain.

“Can I help you?” he questions.

“My name’s Robbie Hayes. This is Finn Black and Thad Walker.” I point over my shoulder. “Are you Brad Jones?”

As soon as I give Thad’s name, his face falls and turns a sickly shade of white. He looks between us and steps back, motioning to enter. We follow him to the living room, and shock registers. Almost every space is covered with infant items. Pink blankets and plush toys litter the floor, a small cradle is set up in the corner, and in the middle of the room is a baby sleeping in a swing. Soft music plays as she sways evenly.

My eyes meet Thad’s to see he’s equally as surprised. Finn starts shaking his head.

“Thad Walker, as in Natalie and Ember Walker’s father, right?” Brad asks.

“Yeah.” Thad’s voice is laced with disgust.

“I’ve been waiting for this day to come for a long time. Give me a minute to get my daughter into her crib. Have a seat.” He gently picks up the sleeping infant and nestles her in his arms when she starts to cry. He shushes her back to sleep and disappears down a hallway.

While he’s gone, we all take in the surroundings. The house is nothing like I was expecting. There are pictures on every surface, mostly of Brad, a beautiful blonde woman, and the baby. The furnishings are nice and upscale, giving off a comfortable presence. This house reminds me of my parents’ first home.

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