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Playing Doctor

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Aurelia pointed down the hall and he strode down the hall with her wrapped in his arms like some heroine in a romance novel. She giggled as he kicked the door closed behind them. This truly was the best night of her life and she was going to enjoy every second of it.

She kicked off her heels and as soon as he set her on the bed, she slid the zipper down on her dress. He watched as she shimmied out of it. She could see the heat in his eyes blaze as he took in her curves. As she unhooked her bra, he uncuffed his shirt, his eyes never leaving hers. She started to remove her panties, but he shook his head.

"Let me," he practically growled, looking at her like she was his last meal.

She smiled and scooted back on the bed, watching as he stripped away his shirt and then toed off his dress shoes and undid his pants, sliding them over his hips along with his boxers. She gulped seeing his cock spring free.

He set a condom down on the bed by her hip and then followed her onto the bed, capturing her lips again. He worshiped at her mouth and then trailed kisses down her neck to her breasts and below to her core, pulling her panties off just before his mouth found her clit. Aurelia arched her back as she cried out her pleasure. He moved back up her body, straddling her hips. He ripped the condom open and rolled it over his cock, his eyes never leaving hers. A moment later, he plunged into her and captured her lips in a passionate kiss that left them both breathless. They moved together as if they were made for each other and reached their peak at the same time, crashing over the edge into bliss and wrapped in each other's arms.

Aurelia sigh with pleasure as she snuggled into his side. "That was amazing," she murmured a little bit later.

"We'll have to do that again, soon," he said huskily, kissing her temple. "For now, get some sleep."

"You'll stay?" she asked, wanting to be sure he wasn't going to slip away in the wee hours of the night.

"I will." He tilted her face up and kissed her again gently.

Chapter 11


He'd been officially seeing Aurelia for a week now, a blissful, amazing week, and he was still looking forward to spending time with her. Since that night at the movies, he'd spent a couple of nights at her place, parking in the garage so no passersby would recognize his car. It wasn't that he was paranoid that the hospital was keeping tabs on him, he wasn't, he just didn't want to make it easy for anyone to catch on to their relationship.

They were taking every precaution that they could think of. Which was why seeing the muscular black man with a camera focused on him was so worrying. Who the hell was he and why was the man taking his picture? Frowning, he headed into his office building. The man didn't follow him in, but stayed outside, taking pictures of the building. Maybe he was an architect? Taking pictures of the building and Daniel had just gotten in the way of the shot.

He made it into his office and sat down behind his desk. Pulling out his phone, he sent off a text to Aurelia.

Hey, babydoll, missed you this morning. ~ Daniel

He wanted to tell her about the man with the camera, but he didn't want that to be the first thing he said to her today. Besides, he really had missed having her wake up in his arms. She was becoming something of an addiction for him, one he never wanted to break.

A moment later, she replied.

I know! I missed you too! :) Thought I might break out the grill tonight, what do you say? The weather is getting nicer, grilling out might be fun. ~ Aurelia

That could be fun, I'll bring the steaks. And there's something I want to talk to you about too ~ Daniel

Oh? Everything okay? Should I be worried? ~ Aurelia

I'm not sure. There was a man outside my office this morning. He took my picture. Not sure if it's anything yet. Just strange. ~ Daniel

That is strange. What did he look like? ~ Aurelia

Big guy, muscular, well-dressed. Camera looked expensive. Reminded me a little of Samuel L. Jackson. ~ Daniel

Crap. Sounds kind of like the guy Kelly saw in our neighborhood yesterday! :( Do you think he works for the hospital? ~ Aurelia

Doubt it, they don't hire people to take secret pictures, but it is worrisome that whoever this is, has been both here and in your neighborhood. I'm thinking private investigator, just don't know who could have hired him ~ Daniel

Daniel frowned. He knew that what ever the man was doing, it had to do with him and Aurelia and despite knowing that the hospital wouldn't pay a private investigator to out him, not for something they weren't even aware of, he was worried that whoever was behind hiring the man, it would lead to their relationship being exposed to the hospital.

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