The Thrall (Seven Sins MC 3) - Page 7

I knew what she was saying.

She couldn't agree to it.

She couldn't be a part of the plan.

Because when one of the vamps demanded she answer, she would be helpless but to give them the truth.

I gave her a nod.

"Give me her," I demanded, making my voice harsh, hoping she would catch on.

"No. Go away," she said, a quick study.

"I said give her to me," I added, voice a bit louder as I reached for the small one, lifting her up, finding her even lighter than I anticipated.

As soon as she was in my arms, the friend's eyes looked relieved for a moment before they widened. A silent demand to run while I could.

I didn't need more encouragement than that. What with losing my fucking mind and all. So I held the woman to my chest as I ran for my bike, settling her on, then climbing in front of her, waiting until her arms closed around me after a little coaxing, then turning the bike over, and starting to pull away.

It was right that moment that the front doors to the club opened, and several of the vamps spilled out, along with Daemon who was likely looking to see where I'd gone.

The bloodsuckers were fast.

But not quite as fast as my bike pushing its limit.

So that was what I went ahead and did.

I stole a thrall from her vampire masters.

I probably started a fucking war.

But all I could focus on was the trembling little body wrapped all around me, holding on for dear life, as if she knew that was exactly what I was giving her.

Her life.

Chapter Three


I knew it was going to happen.

Of course I did.

I wasn't stupid.

And Davor wasn't kind.

The moment his hand grabbed my wrist when we were about to walk into the club was all the proof I needed that I was going to have some pain inflicted on me.

The pain, well, I could get used to the pain. I could endure it. Pain was a part of life. Especially my life. It would be bad. And then it would end. There was no use working myself up too much about it. I think after the pain of trying to run away, nothing seemed like it could compare.

But the humiliation factor?

Oh, that was what had me swallowing my pride enough to beg him not to do this as he was dragging me toward the stage.

The embarrassment was, at once, a cold sweat over my skin, but a heated, uncomfortable fire roaring through my system.

The cuffs went on.

And then, worst of all, my dress came off.

Had I known I would be stripped all but bare when I was dressing that evening, I would have made sure to wear full-coverage underwear.

Then, before I could even stress about my lack of clothing too much, I was being paddled.

I thought it would be like the people I'd seen who had gone up before us. Performative. I was sure there was an erotic aspect for them as well, but it was mostly for show. Nothing serious.

This was serious, though.

Davor was serious.

I knew it for sure when the paddle landed so often in the same spot that the skin broke open, trickling blood over my butt, down my leg.

He'd only paused long enough to lick up the blood before he started to paddle me again and again and again.

I was pretty sure, at some point, I blacked out from the pain.

Because the next thing I knew, Irina had her arms around me, was pulling my dress back into place, and leading me behind the stage.

"Oh, that bastard," she hissed, trying to hold me, but unable to find any spot on my back that wasn't sore. "That mother fucker. Okay. Hold on. Let's get you outside for some fresh air."

I felt like I was outside and inside my body at the same time. I could feel the emotional pain as it built and burst out, leaving tears streaming down my cheeks. But I felt oddly detached from the pain I knew was bouncing off my nerve endings.


I guess this was what shock felt like.

"Hey, stay with me," Irina demanded as I felt like I was slipping in and out of reality, lost in my own head.

But I didn't want to stay with her.

I didn't want to stay in a world where I couldn't say no, where men like Davor could abuse me, and no one would save me.

I didn't want to be in this world anymore.

I wanted to be done.

There was nothing left for me.

Only, there was no actual physical escape. Not until natural causes got me. Or one of the vampires drained me completely.

So, I guess the next best thing was to just let myself drift away. Into the deep recesses of my mind.

It all happened so quickly.

I hadn't really been aware of anything until I felt something rumble to life beneath me, felt my body tighten around another body, holding on as we surged forward.

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Seven Sins MC Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024