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The Thrall (Seven Sins MC 3)

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I just wanted to get him out.

But I guess I would have to play along with whatever Arick, and then Drex's demon friends, wanted to do.

"Okay," I grumbled, moving to stand by him.

"Oh, Arick, are you losing your touch with the ladies?" Thysa teased. But then broke off on an almost orgasmic moan when Arick waved his fingers at her. "Oh, you tease," she snapped, giving him a devilish smirk.

"Some other time, perhaps," Arick said, then started moving through the club with me at his side. "Allow me," Arick offered as he led me over toward his slick black Porsche. But when I stepped back to allow him to open the door, he did so without actually using his hand. "I'm just showing off," he told me with a smile as I slid in.

He used his hand to actually close the door.

And to drive.

All the damn way back to his stupidly nice house. Where he forced his chef to make me a meal after demanding to know what my favorite food was.

It was only after I ate that he would even deem listening to me.

"Alright, come," he demanded, holding an arm out, waiting for me to follow him out across his lush lawn with its built-in pool, and what looked like a giant koi pond in the distance.

We were heading for a cabin partially shaded by a wisteria tree that made my heart hurt it was so beautiful.

I wasn't sure what I expected from the cabin, but I guess some of the mismatched craziness of his massive home.

But, no. It was a small space with a single green couch and a ton of bookshelves.

"Ah, yes, here," he said, grabbing a book off the shelf. "This is the one."

"The one what?" I asked, looking at the lilac-colored material book with dappled edges in his hand.

"This is your book."

"My book. Oh, the book about that other woman who broke her enthrallment?" I asked.

"No, love. This is your book. Drex made a deal with me. I help you. I get your story. So, where shall we begin?" he asked, dropping down on his couch, opening the notebook, clicking a pen open, then pausing to look at me.

"Arick, there's no time for this right now."

"Drex has nothing but time. I have less, but more than you. And you are wasting yours, love. So, let's get started," he demanded, patting the couch beside him.

I had no choice.

I didn't have to know the man long to know he was the stubborn sort. He wasn't going to give me what I wanted until I gave him what he wanted.

So I sat.

And I got started.

And Arick wrote.

In the most stunningly beautiful penmanship, I might add.

At some point, his hand must have tired, because he sat back, flexing it while the pen kept moving across the pages, copying down my words.

It was hours later when I finally ran out of words, ending with grabbing Davor, and giving him the ending he deserved.

"The world is a better place," Arick said. "In case you were having doubts, I'd once seen that particular vampire leading around women who looked frail and pale and sickly on chains. He did it once. He would have done it again. You did the world a favor."

"I don't have any doubt about that," I admitted as he closed the book. "I was planning on staying until I could dust him. But fate had other plans."

"And now you are here," he said, stretching out his long legs, then getting to his feet, so he could tuck my book on his shelf. Likely right behind the other account of broken enthrallment.

My story was now one for the history books. That was somehow both strange and wonderful at the same time.

Maybe sometime in the future, my story would help another thrall who desperately wanted to get away.

"So, shall we sleep?"

"What? No. I want your help to get to Drex's friends."

"I'm not sure how close of friends they will all be now. Ace was not pleased when he came here looking for your man."

I didn't correct him.

Drex wasn't my man.

Even if there had been a pleasant warming sensation in my chest at the idea of him being just that.

"They will help him," I said, voice fierce. "Even if it is just to prove they won't be threatened by the vampires."

"You are learning the ropes well. Alright, love, if you must, we must. Let's go," he said, leading me back out of the cabin, across his grounds, through his home, then back out to his Porsche.

"This?" I asked a while later as Arick pulled his car down a long, wood-lined road. "This is where Drex lives?" I clarified as the massive stone building came into view.

Were all supernaturals rich?

The vampires, Arick, Drex and his people. They all lived like kings.

Then again, I hoped if you were immortal—or close to that—that you figured out how to make and hold onto your money.

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