The Girlfriend (The Boss 2) - Page 138

The first person to arrive was Michael. He stepped in and looked around warily, as though Neil would spring out and knife him. “I’m not the first here, am I?”

“You are indeed, you lucky dog.” A Foster the People song started over the room-to-room sound system. “Emma and Neil are picking the music.”

“That will end in bloodshed,” he laughed, just as the bell rang again.

Neil’s friends and family were prompt. Emma and I had invited people to come at seven, and by five after nearly everyone had arrived. Valerie showed up with Bertie, her longtime partner who I’d only heard about, and who had become some kind of mythical beast in my imagination. I was a bit disappointed to see that he was just a man, average height, with a few silver threads in his black hair. He had a square jaw. He looked like a middle-aged Superman.

Valerie was cordial to me, but only just on this side of icy. She made a beeline for Neil, hugging him and acting concerned. I heard her ask, “Have you been receiving my messages?” and I thought the party might end in a brawl, but then Rudy’s arrival distracted me.

“Miss Sophie.” It wasn’t a greeting, but a scolding.

“You know, you haven’t seen me in like three months. Could you manage a ‘hello’ before you start getting all snippy?”

“Could you manage not to destroy my best friend’s magazine? Oh no, I didn’t think you could.” He looked down at my feet, raised an eyebrow, and turned his face away. “Those are ugly shoes.”

“Rudy!” Neil called as we entered the sitting room. He was standing beside the fireplace, talking to Bertie. Neil excused himself and came over to embrace his friend in a huge bear hug.

Rudy staggered back, gripping Neil’s forearms to hold him still for a look. “My god. You’ve lost so much weight.”

“And so much hair.” Neil ran his hand self-consciously over his scalp.

“Bald is a classic style,” Rudy observed. “Now, where is that nosy little busy body? I can’t believe you invited her, she drove me absolutely crazy on the flight over.”

“What nosy little busy body?” I asked, wondering if Rudy meant Emma or Valerie, but neither made sense because they’d both been in London this week. Plus, I didn’t think Neil would look so quietly pleased if someone called his daughter that.

He scratched the back of his head and barely met my gaze. “Yes, well. I’d meant that to be a bit of a surprise, Rudy.”

“What’s a surprise?” I asked, and before he could answer me, I heard a very familiar voice squeal, “We’re here!”

I turned, and there were Holli and Deja, standing in the wide-open double doors.

“Oh my god! Oh my god!” I ran to Holli and practically tackled her, tears of happiness streaming down my face. “You fucking bitch, why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because it’s a surprise!” Holli almost cracked my ribs with her boney, surprisingly strong arms.

“What... how?” I wiped my cheeks and looked over to Deja, who beamed.

“I’m just here for a couple days, and then I have to go back to New York and the boss from hell,” she said, rolling her eyes, and I realized that with Neil gone, Deja would be serving as assistant to Rudy.

“Ooh, that’s bad luck,” I said under my breath.

“I can hear you,” Rudy called, before going back to his conversation with Neil.

“But I’m here for as long as you need me,” Holli said proudly. “My best friend is going through some shit, and I am not going to let her go through it alone.”

“Oh my gosh, thank you, but you don’t have to uproot your life.” I pointed across the room, to where Emma stood beside Michael, watching us with a proud grin. She and her father had conspired on this, I just knew it. “I’m not totally alone, I have Emma. If you have, like, important, work-related—”

“Shut up!” Holli shrieked, and gave me a push to my shoulder. “You are my best friend, and I’m going to be here for you. Besides, I’m your blonde friend. There can be only one.”

I laughed and hugged her again.

The night was a total success. Neil kept me stuck to his side like glue, for the most part, introducing me to all of his friends and colleagues I hadn’t met yet. It felt a little bit like he was showing me off, but he was so damned happy that I could give him a one-time pass. Everyone remarked on how good he looked, for a guy fresh off chemo, and how great his attitude was. Every time such a comment came his way, he would give me a quick, appreciative glance.

I slipped away for a moment to refresh my drink, and Valerie sought me out. I could have sworn I felt a chill in the air before I turned and saw her standing there, waiting to talk to me.

Tags: Abigail Barnette The Boss Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024