Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2) - Page 5

A group of younger guys came in, sitting down and ordering food. They were loud and had obviously been drinking, with one of them standing out as the leader of the pack. He leaned back in his chair, watching Beth, making inappropriate remarks to his friends, and calling her over far too often for my liking. More than once, she evaded his wandering hands, still being polite, even as I saw the flash of anger cross her face. I pushed away my coffee cup, shaking my head as she came over and offered a refill.

She slid the bill my way as I looked over at the loud table. “Assholes,” I muttered.

She shrugged. “I ignore them. They’ll eat, act like jerks thinking it makes them cool, then they’ll leave.” She sighed.

“Hopefully they’ll leave a decent tip too,” I added.

She shook her head. “Not usually.” She walked away, and I glanced at the bill, deciding to make sure, tip-wise, her night was a good one, at least.

I drained my water and stood, walking down the hall and using the restroom to wash my hands that were sticky. On my way back down the hall, I heard it.

“Let me go.”

I increased my pace and rounded the corner. Beth was at the table of troublemakers, her face like thunder. The leader of the pack had his hand around her wrist, pulling her toward him.

“Come on, sweetheart. Sit that sweet ass on my lap, and we can talk about the tip. Yours or mine, whichever you prefer.”

I was across the diner in a heartbeat, yanking his arm away and tugging Beth out of the way.

I loomed over him, furious. “You wanna show a little respect, asshole?”

He looked up at me, fright replacing the cockiness that had been there a moment ago. I was taller and outweighed him by a good fifty pounds of muscle. I could wipe the floor with him on my worst day—and with the anger he had just roused? I could take on all three of them right now and walk away whistling a merry tune while they struggled to get the license plate of the semi that hit them.

“Just having a little fun.”

“Take your fun elsewhere.” I leaned closer. “Pay your bill, tip the lady, and fuck off. Or deal with me. Your choice.”

He muttered something, and I tightened my grip on him. “What did you say?”

He yanked his arm away. “I said we’re leaving.”

I stood, crossing my arms, knowing how large that made me look. “Good choice.”

I returned to my booth, grabbed my gym bag and the bill, and waited. The asshole and his sidekicks headed to the register, and Beth processed their tabs. When the guy who’d grabbed her was in front of her, I approached, watchful. He leaned close to Beth, saying something that angered her. He had the audacity to try to touch her again, but before I could get there, she grabbed his hand, bent his finger back, and smiled sweetly as he whined like the little dog he was.

“I think my friend asked you to leave. Now, I’m telling you. Get out, and don’t come back.”

I halted my progress, surprised and impressed at the move, and slightly turned on by her actions.

“I oughta report you to the manager,” the asshole groused.

“Feel free,” I said, heading their way. “I’m a witness, and I’ll tell them you crossed the line.”

A cook stuck his head out of the pass-through. “So will I. You heard the lady—get out and don’t come back.”

Beth pushed the asshole away, eyeing him balefully.

He glared but walked out, not dropping anything in her tip jar. He narrowed his eyes at me as if daring me to do something about that. His friends had dropped in some bills, at least. She deserved them.

I set down my bag and handed her my bill. She watched until they had left, then sighed and rolled her eyes. “Exactly what I didn’t need tonight. Mike isn’t going to be happy when I tell him.”

“I’ll vouch for you.”

She smiled. “Thanks.”

I handed her some twenties and took the change, slipping it in her jar. She shook her head.

“No need for that.”

“Great service deserves a good tip.”

She handed me a small container. “So does being a hero.”

I flipped open the lid, grinning at the slice of cake inside. I wasn’t going to refuse that. “Thanks.”

She laid her hand on my arm. “Thank you,” she responded. “It’s been a long time since someone came to my rescue.”

I looked down at her fingers resting against my skin. Small, pale, and delicate. One finger had a slender braided silver ring on it. The nails were short, buffed, and neat. Her hand looked tiny on my arm, and before I could think about it, I covered it with mine, squeezing her fingers.

“At your service, my lady,” I quipped. “Knight in shining armor is my side hustle.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024