Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2) - Page 27

“I know,” I said quietly. “I know.”

* * *


The kids were awesome. Well behaved, chatty, and funny. Lucy was adorable, and I had a feeling she would capture my parents’ hearts fast. Evan was smart and quick. His love of Lego was obvious and he wanted to show me his collection, but Beth stood.

“After breakfast, Evan. It’s almost ready. Ronan, how do you like your eggs?”

I looked at her, unsure. “Whatever is easiest.”

She grinned. “I do them all. Lucy and Evan like scrambled. I prefer poached, and Paige likes fried. So, whichever is your favorite, I can do.”

I had to take a second to think. No one ever asked me. I had always eaten scrambled because that was what Jeremy and Paul liked. I didn’t mind them, but I really preferred poached. I always ordered them if I was out for breakfast, but no one ever seemed to notice, and I always had scrambled with the guys.

“Poached?” I asked.

Beth grinned. “Runny yolks?”


“Okay. On it.”

Lucy slid off my lap. “I help,” she informed me. “I mix the eggs.”

“Good job,” I replied.

She toddled off, making me smile. She was very cute. Determined, too. I made a mental note to find out more about prosthetic limbs.

Evan adjusted himself, a small grimace crossing his face. I turned in his direction so he wouldn’t have to bend to see me.

“Beth says you work in a gym?” he asked, looking hopeful.

I blew out a long breath. “I don’t work there.”

“Oh,” he said, looking disappointed. “I thought maybe you could show me a few exercises to help my leg.”

I scratched my head. “I’m not a trainer, but I know a lot. My dad taught me, and I took some courses. Maybe I could suggest some things.”

His face brightened. “That would be awesome!”

I chuckled. “I like working out. I go to the gym a lot.”

“If you don’t work at a gym, what do you do?” Paige asked behind me.

“I, ah, build things,” I said, feeling uncomfortable as I lied once again. I shifted on the floor, picking up my coffee and draining the liquid.

“Oh, construction,” Evan enthused. “Cool. You know how to fix stuff too?”

“I’m pretty good with my hands.”

“My desk is wobbly.”

“Evan,” Beth chastised as she walked into the room. “Ronan is a guest. He’s not here to work.”

I shook my head as I stood. “Happy to look at it.”

“Maybe after breakfast.”


“It’s almost ready. Come sit down.”

I followed her to the kitchen, sitting at the table. I looked around the room. Like the rest of the house, it was small but tidy. Drawings were stuck to the fridge. Jackets hung by the back door. The linoleum was worn, but clean. It was homey and inviting.

Evan sat beside me, and I watched him maneuver into the chair, another small grimace crossing his face. I added another item to look into. I would talk to my dad. He would probably have some advice. Of course, he would have a lot of questions as well, but I would figure that part out.

I inhaled, the scent of breakfast making my mouth water. Salty bacon, sweet cinnamon, and rich coffee filled my head. “Smells awesome,” I said as Beth and Paige began filling the table with dishes of food. Beth grinned as she set plates of scrambled eggs in front of the kids, then handed me mine. Four perfect poached eggs sat in the center, steaming and looking delicious. She sat next to me, her plate holding only two eggs. Paige sat across from me and handed me the plate of bacon.

“I’ve heard stories of your appetite, Ronan. Don’t disappoint me today.”

I had to laugh. “I’ll do my best.”

* * *

I sat back, replete and happy. I couldn’t remember the last time I had enjoyed a meal so much. It wasn’t only the food, but the company. I loved hearing the kids talk, answering their questions, watching Beth interact with them. It was obvious that this house was full of love and that what my dad always said was true. Family was more than blood. These two women had created their own family, and it was as close as my large one. It felt odd at first when questions were directed only to me. It always seemed that Paul, Jeremy, and I were talked to as if we were one unit. And accordingly, we seemed to act that way. More so when we were younger, but it still lingered. We always sat together, finished one another’s sentences, knew one another’s thoughts. Much like the scrambled eggs, we each had our own likes, but often deferred them when we were together. I ate scrambled eggs, white toast, and never asked for poached or thick sourdough bread.

Today, I had both and I loved them. I even had peanut butter on my “pandcakes,” showing the trick to Evan and Lucy, who declared it their new favorite. Paul and Jeremy both disliked peanut butter, so my mom never thought to put it out unless I asked. Which I rarely did. I just ate it when I was on my own.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024