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Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2)

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I was afraid the smile on my face would only encourage her, yet I didn’t seem able to stop it from happening.

* * *

It was almost closing when I carried in a tray of utensils from the kitchen to the dining area. It had been steady all night but not crazy. Jane had cleaned the restaurant, and once the last couple of tables left, I would close up and head home. I had heard the bell and had to force a smile to my face. We stopped taking orders fifteen minutes before we closed, and whoever had walked in was cutting it close. I hoped they wanted an order to go.

I wasn’t expecting to see Ronan sitting in the booth. He had sent a couple of messages during the day and left a voice mail that caused a blush to settle under my skin.

“I can still taste you, little bird,” he murmured into the phone. “Leaving you today was hard. Sort of like my cock has been all day every time I think of you. I’ll see you soon.”

He stood, meeting me halfway across the diner, taking the heavy tray from my hands.

“Hey, pretty girl.” He smiled and bent down, brushing my cheek with his lips.

“What are you doing here?”

He frowned. “I came to drive you home. It’s raining,” he added, as if that would explain everything.

“Ronan, I go home in the rain all the time. I don’t melt.”

He shook his head. “Not on my watch.”

Before I could argue, a customer approached the cash register, and I hurried over to settle the bill. When I went back to the booth, Ronan was busy wrapping the utensils as if he had done it a hundred times before.

I slid in and picked up a pile of the napkins. “You’re doing my job now, too?” I asked wryly.

He shrugged. “I did this when I worked at a deli. It’ll help you, plus, I get to have you close.” He flashed a grin. “Then I’ll drive you home.”

“Are you hungry?”

He shook his head. “I ate.”

“I don’t expect you to be here every night to drive me,” I said quietly.

“Good. I can’t promise to be here every night. But when I can be, I will.”

“Ronan, I can take care of myself.”

He met my eyes, his gaze intense. “I know you can. It’s one of the things I find so attractive about you—your independence. But I’m around, I have a car, and I felt like driving you. Nothing wrong with that.” He hunched closer, dragging his fingers over my hand slowly. “I was hoping you’d let me kiss you when we were alone in the car.”

I hooked my baby finger with his, holding tight. “I might.”


“I might invite you in.”

“Even better.”

“Still want to kiss me?”

“My cock wants to kiss you. Deeply. Repeatedly. Hard.”

I blinked. “Well, that went in another direction fast.”

He grinned. “Just saying. I think we’re addicted.”

The last customer approached the register, and I slid out of the booth and closed the tab for him. He was older, with silver hair. He slipped on his coat and helped his wife with hers, smiling as he buttoned it up as she shook her head.

“I can do that, Timothy.”

He bent and kissed the end of her nose. “But I like to.”

They left hand in hand, and I watched them with a smile. I locked the door behind them, pulling down the blinds after switching the sign to “Closed.” Ronan was grinning as I got to the booth.


“Remind you of anyone?” I asked. I could see Ronan in forty years, doing the same thing. He already acted that way with his courteous gestures.

He rolled the last of the utensils. “Done.” He stood and lifted the tray. “Where does this go?”

I knew better than to argue with him. I pointed to the counter, and he carried it over. I quickly cleaned the last tables and took the dishes to the kitchen. When I returned, Ronan was waiting patiently.

“Any cakes tonight?”

“No, I got a bunch done earlier. That company from last week ordered six this week. Another place in the same building ordered four.” I shook my head. “I have no idea how they found out.”

“Good news travels fast. Someone must have eaten here and liked the cake. Made a call.” He shrugged. “It’s great cake.” He smiled. “Can I take you home now, Beth?”

I returned his smile, grateful he was here. It was raining hard outside, and I really didn’t want to have to run to the corner in the deluge.

I took his proffered hand, letting him lead me. “Yes.”

We pulled into the driveway. The outside light was on, and I could see the soft light from the kitchen burning inside, but the rest of the house was in darkness. I unclipped my seat belt and glanced at Ronan. He was already turned toward me, his gaze intense.

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