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Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2)

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“Okay, enough brother talk for now. I think it’s cake time.”

“Cake?” I asked.

He nodded. “Bent ordered a couple of those cakes you’ve been getting. It’s Wanda’s birthday in accounting. We’re having them in the boardroom upstairs at BAM. He invited me to stay, and who am I to turn down cake?”

That was news, but I was pleased. It meant extra money for Beth. We walked out of the office, meeting up with Paul and Jeremy and my dad. He grinned, throwing his arms open wide.

“Me and my boys!” He clapped Liam on the shoulder. “I didn’t know you were here!”

“I was talking to Bent, then came to see Ronan.”

Dad frowned. “Everything okay?” he asked, his eyes darting between us.

“Everything is good,” Liam assured him. “I hear there’s cake upstairs.”

“The best cake in the world,” I added.

“It’s pretty damn awesome,” Dad agreed.

Paul pushed the elevator button, and we stepped in.

“Hope this can hold us all,” Liam quipped.

“No one move,” Paul deadpanned, pushing Jeremy. Jeremy, in turn, jostled Liam, who pulled at me good-naturedly. We were all laughing as we filed out of the elevator, my dad leading the way.

I stopped laughing at the sudden sound of a startled gasp. It was familiar, and I turned my head, meeting the dark, shocked eyes of Beth. She stared at us, realization dawning on her face. She paled as the secret I’d been hiding unfolded in front of her. She whispered my name, her breathing harsh.


I stepped toward her, knowing it was too late. “Beth,” I pleaded quietly. “I can explain.”

She looked around, her eyes widening more as they landed on the picture on the wall of Bentley Ridge, Aiden Callaghan, and Maddox Riley. BAM. Her gaze flew to my dad, who was watching us closely, and she instantly saw the connection.

I moved closer. “Please,” I murmured, holding out my hand. “Come with me.”

She shook her head, pressing the elevator button repeatedly.

“Don’t.” I stepped closer.

Her hand flew up, and I stopped.

She got in the elevator, her expression devastated. Her tormented eyes, filled with tears, tears I had caused, were the last thing I saw before the doors closed.

I hung my head, defeated.

I had left it too late, and now I had lost her.

Chapter Fifteen


I breathed in the scent of summer approaching. The storm yesterday had cleared the air, and as I walked along the street, I smiled at the blooms starting to appear on the flowers, the new green leaves in the trees. Even with the trace of the traffic and the city, underneath was the aroma of the new season approaching. I felt different these days. Lighter. Happier. And I knew why.


He had somehow become incredibly important to me. A part of my life. We spoke on the phone, and he texted regularly. We saw each other whenever we could, whether he picked me up and drove me home after work, hung out with me while I baked cakes, played with Evan and Lucy, any and all of it was great. He was open and honest. Affectionate. When we were alone, he showed his feelings openly, his lovemaking thorough and passionate. I worried about him getting enough sleep with the odd hours we were keeping, but he assured me he was fine. Paige liked him, Lucy adored him, and to Evan, he was a big brother. He had somehow lit a fire in Evan, who was now faithfully doing the exercises Ronan showed him. It was as if Ronan had given him back his hope.

Even though it had only been a matter of weeks, Ronan had influenced all of us. I stopped at the corner, waiting for the traffic light to change as I thought about him with a smile.

I was falling in love with him.

I huffed a small impatient sigh when those words hit me. I hadn’t planned on it or wanted it to happen, but it did.

I crossed the street, one person among the crowd, still lost in thought. There was so much I still didn’t know about him. I had the basics. His name, birthday, favorite color, favorite food. I knew he had four siblings and his parents were alive. He worked in the construction field. Somehow, though, whenever the topic turned personal, he became evasive. He was good at distraction. Kissing me until I forgot what I had asked. Teasing me until I laughed and he changed the subject. I was determined to find out more about his family. More about him. My feelings were already strong, and I needed to know we were on the same wavelength and for him to know he could trust me and tell me anything.

I walked into Nifty Fifty, hoping to get a cup of coffee and a sandwich. It had been a busy morning with class, and I had a project due. I wanted to grab something to eat on the way to the library, then I would start back to work. My boss Mike looked up, relief flashing across his face when he saw me. My heart sank, worried he was going to ask me to cover a shift for someone who hadn’t shown up, and I hated the fact that I was going to have to say no. I needed to get this project done.

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