Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2) - Page 90

Often, Katy would appear via Zoom. I had met her a couple of times while visiting, and I liked her a great deal. Gracie and Heather looked like her, and she was hilarious when she got going. I had been intimidated by her husband, Richard, the first time I met him, but he sat with Evan, talking to him about his back injury and what he had gone through, and I saw the gentle, loving man beneath the cool exterior and had grown as fond of him as I had his daughters. He loved to drop in during the Zoom meetings and say something outrageous to Katy, making us all laugh, then disappearing again. One time, in particular, she laughed and turned back to the camera.

“Always the star of the show,” she muttered.

“I heard that!” he’d retorted in the background.

Everyone laughed with her, because it was true.

Not every “cousin” liked historical romances, which was fine, but anyone who did was welcome. It was a lively, fun group. There was wine, talking, sharing, and much laughter.

“What book is next?” asked Ava from the corner.

“I think we should start the Wicked Winters series,” I offered. “The books are shorter, so we should be able to read two each month.” I grinned. “They are very, ah, fast reads.” I winked at Kim and Diane, who were joining us for the first time. “A good introduction for you two.”

“Awesome,” Diane enthused.

Shouts of laughter from downstairs made me grin. Evan and all the men were downstairs. A huge table had been constructed, and all the Lego was being built. They had competitions, teams, and the rules were easy—there was none. Stealing happened, towers were knocked down, and it was a general free-for-all. But they all loved it. Lucy was an honorary member, always perched on someone’s shoulder—although Liam, Ronan, and Aiden were her favorites.

I loved being part of this group of amazing women. This wonderful, loud, loving family.

We finished our discussion and broke off into smaller groups as usual. I wandered to the library to have a cup of coffee and enjoy the view before I went downstairs to get Ronan and Evan. I was surprised when Addi joined me.

Addi looked tired, and I smiled as she put her feet up, sitting across from me.

“How are you feeling?”

“Grateful the first trimester is over.” She grinned. “I missed food. And even though my caffeine intake is limited, I missed that too.”

We were quiet for a moment, and I noticed she seemed to be waiting for something—or someone.

“What’s up?” I asked.

Before she could respond, Ronan strolled in, dropping into the chair beside me. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Hey.”

Now I knew for sure something was up. “Hi,” I responded.

He took my hand. “I need you to listen with an open mind, okay?”

I frowned. “Sure.”

He nodded at Addi. “You’re up.”

She shifted in her seat. “I have an offer for you. I’m going to make it, and you can think it over. Promise me you won’t say no right off.”

“You’re making me very nervous.”

She laughed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” She paused. “I would like to offer you a job.”

“A job,” I repeated.

She nodded. “The winery is booked solid all summer and fall, and even winter now. We’ve always offered the best for catering and service, and we want to add another layer to that.”

“I know nothing about catering.”

“But you know about desserts.”

I was more confused than ever. “You want me to make some cakes for the winery?”

She shook her head. “We want to offer your cakes exclusively. We want you to do all the cakes for the winery’s functions.” She rattled off a number, and I felt myself go pale.

“I can’t possibly bake that number of cakes plus waitress.”

She looked at Ronan, who turned to me. “You wouldn’t have to waitress anymore, Beth. You would be under exclusive contract to ABC. You would have a kitchen here to work from. People to help you.”

“But school and commuting,” I sputtered. “Evan—how could I look after him when—”

He held up his hand. “Let me explain.”

Addi stood. “I am going to leave you two to discuss this. But the offer is coming from ABC with full approval from everyone. In fact, it was Dad’s idea. We discussed it thoroughly, and we all saw the value of it. Ronan knows all the details—I’ll let him tell you because I know how it will affect the two of you.”

She left, pulling the French doors shut behind her. I stared at Ronan. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s simple, really. We have an excellent chef at the winery, but we contract out all the desserts. We’ve had a great place making cakes, but they sold, and we don’t like the product the new ownership is producing. It’s our reputation on the line.”

“But Ronan, I only make cakes. I can’t make pastries or anything else.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024