Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2) - Page 92

“You’re one of the honest, hard-working ones,” he said. “Dependable. Your cakes brought in a lot of business.”

I agreed to fulfill all the orders that were waiting before I left, so I parted on good terms. Then I suggested he talk to Jane, who sometimes helped me bake.

“She’s looking for extra money,” I said. “Her banana cake is awesome. I bet she could fill in very well.”

That tidbit of information helped smooth my way out.

I rearranged my upcoming school schedule. Some of my courses were online, and I was able to get the ones I needed to attend in person to Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Ronan made those his days to be in Toronto, and we would stay overnight in the condo. There were so many places for Evan to stay on a Tuesday night—he was spoiled for choice. I was still getting used to having people around to help. I wasn’t sure if I would ever get used to having that many.

Paige came in as I was sealing the last box. “Ready?” she asked.

I smiled. “Not sure I will ever be ready for this.”

She laughed, nodding. “I’ll miss seeing you every day.”

“It’s not for long. Soon, we’ll both be at the compound. You can see Liam’s house from Ronan’s front door. We’ll see each other all the time.” I sat down beside her. “Life is going to be so different, Paige.” I paused. “So much better, though.” I nudged her with my elbow. “Who knew when you asked for a single brother this would happen?”

She laughed, but it sounded forced.

“What is it?”

“Liam wants to get married.”


“And adopt Lucy.”

I gaped at her. “Holy shit.”

She plucked at the edge of her shirt. “And he wants to do it soon. Before I move in.”

“And you don’t? Too fast?” I guessed.

She sighed. “That’s the scary part, Beth. I do. I want to marry him. I want to let Lucy call him Daddy. She’s dying to do so.” She laughed softly. “So is he, I think.”


“Shouldn’t I be scared? After what happened before? Shouldn’t all this scare the shit out of me? I mean, is there something wrong with me that all I can think of is how much I want that too?”

I took her hand in mine. “Some people would think so, but I don’t. Liam is different. I’ve seen how he looks at you. The love he feels for you and Lucy. He’s like Ronan. What you see is what you get. They’re special. Wonderful. And you love him, don’t you?”

She nodded. “I do. I know he’s nothing like my ex. You would just think I would want to be more cautious.”

“Or maybe your heart knows what is right. You said you had doubts last time. Do you feel those with Liam?”

“None. All I feel is an absolute rightness.”

“Then say yes.”

“Neither of us wants a big wedding. In fact, we only plan on getting married with our witnesses. Maybe a party after if anyone was interested?”

I laughed. “As if this family would let an occasion like that go without a party?”

She sniffled. “Our family,” she said softly and flung her arms around my neck. “Now we get to be real sisters.”

I hugged her back, my heart filled with happiness for her. “Yes, we do.”

* * *

I woke up with a start, confused. Outside was dark, but the windows were open, a gentle breeze blowing in, stirring the curtains, and moonlight softened the blackness. Beside me, Ronan slept, his big body close to mine, his arm draped over my hip. When I jerked, he moved, lifting up on his elbow.

“Beth? Little bird? What is it?”

In the dark, I sought his embrace. His warmth wrapped around me, his strength real and needed.

“Tell me,” he whispered.

“I-I was dreaming,” I replied, swallowing the lump in my throat. “I dreamed this was all a dream. You weren’t real, and I was still alone.” A sob escaped my throat. “How silly, a dream about a dream.”

He held me closer, kissing my head. “Not a dream, baby. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. We’re just starting, and it’s going to be great.”

He slipped his fingers under my chin and kissed me, his lips soft and gentle on mine. I pushed closer, needing, wanting his touch. Wanting to feel him move with me. He groaned low in his chest, his arms tightening. We kissed until my body screamed with desire for him. I rolled on top of him, positioning myself and taking him inside.

“Holy merciful…” he cursed, gripping my hips.

I was glad Evan’s new room was at the other end of the hall as I began to move. I rested my hands on Ronan’s chest, rolling my hips, riding him.

The bed creaked, the headboard hitting the wall. Ronan reached up and grabbed it with one hand, anchoring it in place, the action causing his biceps to swell. He looked so sexy under me in the dim light, the look of pure pleasure on his face.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024