Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2) - Page 96

Jenny’s red hair gleamed in the sunlight, and she held out her hand for Evan to take. The two of them began to walk, their heads close together. She was still his best friend as well as something more. She now lived with her mom and Theo in a house on the property. Ronan had been right when he’d told me he was certain that Theo was interested in Anne on a personal level. It hadn’t taken long for them to become a couple. Reid and Becca adored her and Jenny, and soon, Theo and Anne were married and there was another child for everyone to love. Evan was ecstatic that his best friend was around all the time, and as they’d grown the last couple of years, so had their feelings.

They sat and talked to us, as well as Theo and Anne, this past spring when they acknowledged how they felt. We set ground rules, reminding them how young they still were, and they had so far been very good about sticking to the rules.

At least for now. I had a feeling that might change.

Bentley and Maddox laughed all the time about Jenny and Evan, saying that history was repeating itself. I had a feeling they were right and Evan had already found his soul mate, the same way Addi and Brayden had years before. I supposed time would tell.

I got ready and headed downstairs. I brought coffee outside, finding Ronan on the deck, sitting at the table. I kissed him good morning and sat next to him.

“Deserted again?”

He chuckled. “I don’t have red hair and a blossoming set of—”

I held up my hand. “Do not even finish that thought.”

He laughed. “Whatever. He stares at them all the time.”

“I’m sure you did at his age too.”

He dragged my chair closer. “I still stare at yours.” He leaned over and pressed a kiss to the top of my breast over my heart. “They are spectacular.” He leered with a grin.

I had to laugh at him.


“You love it.”

“I do. I love you too.”

His smile was tender. “I know.”

For a moment, we sipped our coffee, watching Jenny and Evan on the beach. They were standing at the water’s edge, talking, focused on each other. I sighed in happiness, and Ronan rubbed my shoulder.

“Okay there, little bird?”

I nodded. “Busy week at work.”

“Lots of storms this week.” He peeked up at the blue sky. “We’re done for a bit, though, right?”

“Yep, clear skies for the next while.”

He still loved it when I talked “clouds.” I had taken a job at a small research center in Niagara, and he enjoyed hearing me talk about work. He also loved it when I played “weather girl” for him. Which was exactly what had gotten us into the situation I found myself in right now.

“I have a present for you.”

His verdant green eyes lit up. “Oh yeah? I love presents.”

I chuckled because that was true. He was like a kid on Christmas every time he got a gift—no matter how small. Especially from me since he knew they were just for him. I had a feeling he would really like this one.

I reached into my pocket and held out my hand. “Close your eyes.”

He did as I asked, eager and anxious.

I dropped the fluffy ball into his hand. “Guess.”

He touched it gingerly, frowning in confusion. “Yarn?”



I took a deep breath. “Open your eyes.”

He did, staring down at the puffy mound in his palm. He picked it up, studying the white and gray ball of fluff. “You made me a cloud?”

“You guessed it. I made you a cloud.”

“Huh, it’s a little cloud.”

I waited, but he didn’t say anything. I should have given him more coffee.

“Yes,” I said. “It’s a little baby cloud. I thought you’d like to have it until the other one shows up.”

He looked up, confused. “You made two baby clouds?”

“Well, I’m hoping there’s only one.” I laid my hand on my stomach. “This time.”

I saw the moment he caught up with me. His eyes grew round, and his expression became joyful.

He dropped to his knees in front of me.

* * *


It took me a moment to realize what Beth was saying.

Baby cloud.


My wife was pregnant.

I was out of my chair and on my knees in front of her quickly. I laid my hand over hers on her stomach, joy coursing through my body. I felt more alive in that moment than I had ever felt.

“A baby? You’re—we’re—pregnant?”


“Beth,” I breathed out. I lifted my gaze to her tear-filled eyes. “Are you okay—is everything okay?”

“Yes. I saw the doctor yesterday, and he confirmed it. I’m about six weeks along.” I lifted my eyebrow teasingly. “You got all excited over the cumulonimbus clouds I was describing that night on the deck. Your hands and mouth started a different kind of storm.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024