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Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2)

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“We’re coming!” I shouted.

“You better not be until later.” Ronan’s voice was amused.

“Oh shit, the big guy is there too,” I breathed. “We better go.”

We stood and made our way around to the beach where Ronan and Beth were waiting. He stood beside her, his arm around her protectively. He was never not touching her if they were close. He adored my sister and was a great husband to her and an awesome dad to their two kids. All these years, he’d shown me the same love and compassion he held for them, and I would forever be grateful. His friendship and guidance meant the world to me.

I looked down at Jenny. She was tall, although I was taller by five inches. I had filled out over the years, my shoulders widening, my waist thick, and my arms and legs heavily muscled thanks to the workouts with all the BAM men, especially Aiden, Ronan, and Van. I liked being taller and heavier—a protector for Jenny and, hopefully, for my family one day.

“I guess I’ll see you at the altar?” I murmured, squeezing her hand.

“I’ll be there.”

We stopped before we reached Beth and Ronan, and I faced her.

“I can’t wait, Jenny. Today, you’ll be my wife, and I’ll never have to leave you again.”

She pressed a kiss to my mouth. “I know.”

“Our life is going to be great.”

She smiled. “It already is. It’s only going to get better.”

She and Beth left, but first, Beth kissed me and fussed a little the way she always did. She was my sister and my mother and had been my rock since I was a kid.

“I’ll take care of her,” she promised. “You only have a few hours until the service.” Then she flung her arms around me. “I’m so proud of you, Evan. I love you.”

I hugged her back. “Love you too.” I pulled back and wiped at her cheeks. “I’m getting married, Beth, not dying. Stop with the crying.”

I looked at Ronan, who shared a look with me before pulling her to his side and pressing a kiss to her head. “Wait until one of yours gets married.”

I grinned. Ronan was a big softy when it came to their two kids, Zoey and Luke, who owned him totally. I had to admit, I was pretty much a pushover for them as well. Good thing Beth stood strong.

His words warmed my chest. “You are one of ours, Evan. Always will be.”

That made Beth cry harder, and for some reason, my eyes began to water. I wiped at them, muttering about the sand being blown around by the wind.

Ronan dryly pointed out there was no wind.

I flipped him the bird, and Beth laughed at our antics.

Then she and Jenny walked away, leaving Ronan and me watching them. I adored my sister beyond reason. It was her strength, determination, and love that got me through the first rough months after the accident and losing our parents. I knew what she sacrificed for me, and in some small, crazy way, I thought Ronan was the gift she’d been given for her incredible work. I knew he was like a gift to me when he entered our life. It wasn’t the money and the life we were able to have after he arrived. It was him. His heart, love, and devotion to us both. He never once made me feel as if I were a burden or something he had to put up with because of my sister. He genuinely loved me. His soul was a gift to us both.

He clapped me on the shoulder. “You ready?”

“Get me to the church, Ronan.”

He grinned. “We have to observe the BAM custom first. Basketball and food at the Hub with the men. Then you get married.”

I laughed. I was good with that.

* * *

Later that afternoon, we stood looking out over the water on the outside balcony of the winery. The game was done, the food eaten, and the trash talk complete. The hands on the clock slowly advanced to the moment I was waiting for. I knew Jenny was in the building, her mother and all her adopted aunts and cousins fussing over her. The room behind me contained the people we loved the most—our family and friends. I was ready to start this new chapter of my life. Husband, father, all of it. I had been waiting for this since the first time I’d kissed Jenny on the beach, our lips sloppy and messy, uncoordinated and inexperienced.

And perfect.

Together, we learned, grew, and fell in love. Together every step of the way, our future clear.

Ronan stood beside me, a silent support. Aiden was inside, making sure everything was in place. The two men I loved the most would stand beside me today. No friend could ever mean what these two did to me, and they were who I wanted with me. They had been at my side every moment since they’d come into my life.

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