How To Propose To A Princess (The Princess Brides 3) - Page 45

“Today she asked me a few salient questions that made me realize what a selfish creature I’ve been.”

Nico burst into laughter. “I’ve never known anyone less selfish than you.”

She shifted in his arms so she could look into his eyes. “That’s because you don’t know the real me. Since I met you, I’ve wanted everything my way. When I found out you were the son of a king, I hated it. I wasn’t thinking about you and how ecstatic you were to have found your parents and your roots.

“Oh, no. I was only thinking of myself and how that knowledge affected me. I desired the fictional man I’d dreamed about all my life. A commoner. He’d take me to his cottage with a picket fence. We’d have perfect children and live a blissful life. The first time I saw you, I knew you were the man of my dreams, and I set out to capture you no matter what I had to do.”

“You accomplished your objective.” Nico kissed her long and hard. This was the warm, giving woman he adored.

Tears smarted her eyelids. “I can’t believe I didn’t accept the ring when you asked me to marry you. I was so entrenched with my own pitiful vision of royal life, I ruined what should have been the most magical, thrilling moment of our lives. I don’t know why you didn’t slam the door in my face a little while ago.”

He kissed her throat. “I have a confession of my own. On my way home, I stopped to talk to Enzo and Pippa. They told me I had to give you time. I’ve been hanging on to their advice for dear life.”

“They’re wise and wonderful. So is Lanza. I wish it hadn’t taken the questions she asked me for me to wake up and realize what a fool I’ve been. Oh, Nico. Please tell me it’s not too late.” She put her arms around his neck. “I love you with every breath of my body. I don’t care what you do for a living as long as I’m there with you. We’ll make it work.”

“You’re reading my mind.” Nico reached in the front pocket of his trousers and pulled out the ring. He found her left hand and slid it home on her ring finger. “You’re mine now, bellissima. There’s no going back.”

“I don’t want to go back.”

Their hunger knew no bounds as they began devouring each other all over again. Later when his cell phone rang, he groaned. It was probably the service. He hadn’t called his patients yet.

“You need to get that,” she whispered against his lips.

“I’m afraid I do.” Nico eased himself away from her and stood up before answering it. He was still trembling with desire for her.

She got to her feet on those elegant legs of hers. While he was on the phone, she took the sack of food into the kitchen and warmed everything up in the microwave.

He stood in the doorway watching her every movement as he returned calls to patients. Talk about a vision in white and gold.

By the time he’d finished, she’d put their food on the table. The aroma of the coffee she’d made reminded him he was starving. Nico kissed her succulent lips before sitting down with her to eat. “How come I’m so lucky?”

“I’ve been asking myself that question since the evening you asked if you could drive me home from the hospital. My feet don’t touch the ground anymore.”

“I know the feeling.”

When they’d finished eating, he reached for her hand and pulled her up against him. “Nothing’s changed since last night.” He smothered her with kisses. “I want you in my bed, so I’m thinking we should get married now. When the time comes to decide the course of my life, I want us to be man and wife already so we can make the decision together. I’ve found I don’t want to do anything without you.”

She moaned against his mouth. “I feel the same way. But that would mean going through a ceremony right away.”

“That’s the whole idea. How does tomorrow sound? I don’t need anyone’s permission. Naturally I’d like your parents’ blessing. Shall we call them now and tell them our plans?”

He heard her sharp intake of breath. “Nico—be serious!”

“You think I’m not?”

“But getting married that fast would be impossible!”

“Not so. Enzo will arrange it.”


“As duca of Piedmont, he has magistrate power to waive the rules and ask the priest to marry us in the castello chapel. He’s done it for several others on a moment’s notice. Once our marriage is a fait accompli, we won’t have to worry if word gets out that we’re expecting our first child. What do you say?”

She clung to him, staring into his eyes with a hint of anxiety.

He kissed the end of her nose. “Now who’s afraid.”

“If I’m afraid, it has to do with your future. Everything’s up in the air where the queen is concerned. If we’re going to do this, don’t you think you need to let her know?”

Tags: Rebecca Winters The Princess Brides Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024