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The Boss Too (Managing the Bosses 2)

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“Hell yes. Our clients made it clear they want at least a million dollars in investors, not my money, if they commit. You didn’t get a million dollars, did you?”

“No,” Jamie admitted and dropped her head. She quickly snapped it back up and smirked. “I got two.”

For a second he stared at her, confused, and then his face broke into a grin. “You got two million?”

Jamie nodded, feeling giddy from the drink. She leaned back against the counter. “I can be very persuasive.” She laughed.

He watched her with raised eyebrows, his eyes roaming down her hungrily. “You got that right.”

She glanced down and suddenly straightened. She’d been so mad she forgot all she had on was her white blouse and black panties. She moved behind the counter, trying to hide and make it look like she had planned it. She grabbed him a crystal glass and poured him a drink.

He stood and strode over to her, staying on the other side of the counter as he reached for his glass and raised it. “You’re the very best personal assistant I’ve ever had.”

“I’m the only personal assistant you’ve ever had.” She laughed.

He took a sip and made a noise of appreciation at the back of his throat. “Even if I’ve had a hundred personal assistants, you’d still be my favorite.”

Jamie smiled. “You’re lucky I don’t want a raise, Mr. Reid.”

“You deserve a raise after this week,” Alex murmured. “I don’t even know how I can thank you.” His eyes seemed to say he knew a few ways, but wasn’t going to mention them aloud.

“You should wait until you get back to work before you start making decisions,” she said. “One good meeting doesn’t mean your company didn’t lose money when you were gone. There were plenty of things that went wrong and I’m pretty sure there are some only you can fix.” She shook her head. “Honestly, I thought everything was going to fall apart while you were gone. You would think it could run somewhat when the boss is away.”

“I don’t see why it would,” Alex said, his gaze eying her cleavage. “After all, I’m rarely away from the office.”

Jamie raised an eyebrow. “You never take vacations?” Her face heated as his eyes created a burning in her tummy way better than the whisky.

He shook his head slowly. “I’ve never felt a need to. I love my job.”

“Sure, but you must get burnt out.” She swallowed hard.

Alex shook his head. “Not at all.”

Jamie stopped herself from reminded him that he had to hire a personal assistant because he couldn’t handle it all on his own anymore. “Well, that’s impressive.” She moved around the counter. “Excuse me a moment.” She hurried to her bedroom and grabbed her cotton pj pants at the end of her bed. She couldn’t continue this conversation with no pants on. Talk about unprofessional!

She returned. “Sorry.” She knew she was blushing something fierce, her entire face, even her ears, felt like they were burning. She hurried around the couch and her foot caught on the hem of her pj bottoms. She stumbled another step before smacking down on the ground. Her arm caught the corner of the end table, instantly hurting. Shit! He’s going to think I’m falling for him.

“You okay?” Alex reached down to help her up.

“Yes. Just tripped. Stupid feet.”

As he pulled her up, Jamie’s foot got tangled again in her pants, and much to her mortification she felt them slip down to around her upper thighs. Freaking perfect!

She jerked away from him and quickly pulled up her pants. “Sorry about that.” She laughed nervously. “I’m really clumsy tonight for some reason.” Probably because I’ve dropped two sizes and I haven’t gone shopping yet. It has nothing to do with two and a half glasses of whisky. Not wayyy above my limit at all.

“You don’t have to apologize, Jamie," Alex’s voice was thick with need. He cleared his throat. “How’s your arm?”

Jamie looked at her forearm and realized she’d cut it and it was bleeding. It stung as she realized she’d done it, but she would die before she admitted it to Alex. “It’s fine,” she said. “Barely hurts.”

“It looks

pretty bad.” He stood and reached for her. “Sit down on the couch. We’d better clean it before putting a bandage on it.”

“I don’t have a first aid box,” Jamie mumbled. “I’m fine, really. Just toss me a tea-towel.”

“That’s the perk of being neighbors.” Alex smiled wryly. “I do.” He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and tapped a few things quickly before pocketing it again. “Murray’s on his way over with it now.”

“It’s fine, really.” Jamie wondered if her words were slurring. “You shouldn’t have disturbed Murray.”

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