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With Ties That Bind (The Broken Bonds 4)

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My super human beta readers, who read on the fly and offer so much encouragement, I could not write books without your brilliance. Honestly, you are my girls! Katrina Tinnon, Naomi Hopkins, Amy Bosica, Michell Casper, and Melissa Fisher. I really can’t express how much you mean to me—just know that I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you.

A special shout out to the girls who keep me sane in the Wolfe Club, where it’s perfectly acceptable to be anything but ;) You girls are the best. You make me laugh, keep me motivated, and offer so much support, you have no idea. I adore every single one of you. And a special thank you to my girls in the group for helping me get this book in shape! Thank you!

My awesome assistant, Naomi Hopkins. I could not get through one book without your insightful input, girl. You go above and beyond an assistant’s duties to help me sort through my chaotic life. Thank you for being a friend.

To my family. My son, Blue, who is my inspiration, thank you for being you. I love you. And my husband, Daniel, for your support and owning your title as “the husband” at every book event. I love you, too. To my parents, Debbie and Al, for the emotional support, chocolate, and unconditional love—I love you guys right back.

Najla Qamber of Najla Qamber Designs, thank you for so much for not just creating this stunning, take-my-breath-away cover, but for also just rocking so hard! You were so much fun to worth with; you took the stress right out of the very stressful task of series cover creation, and I cannot wait to work with you again on future projects. This cover is everything I envisioned and more.

A special acknowledgement to Damaris, thank you for being not only a wonderful friend, who’s there when I just need to call someone, but also a huge support of my career. You mean so much to me.

There are many, oh, so many people who I have to thank, who have been right beside me during this journey, and who will continue to be there, but I know I can’t thank everyone here, the list would go on and on! So just know that I love you dearly. You know who you are, and I wouldn’t be here without your support. Thank you so much.

To my readers, you have no idea how much I value and love each and every one of you. If it wasn’t for you, none of this could be possible. As cliché as that sounds, I mean it from the bottom of my heart; I adore you, and hope to always put out books that make you laugh, swoon, and cry.

I owe everything to God, thank you for everything.

About the Author

From an early age, Trisha Wolfe dreamed up fantasy worlds and characters and was accused of talking to herself. Today, she lives in South Carolina with her family and writes full time, using her fantasy worlds as an excuse to continue talking to herself. Get updates on future releases and special bonus material at

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Sneak Peek at KL Kreig’s LUKE’S ABSOLUTION


“Thanks again, man,” I tell Bigs, picking up an end of the king-sized mattress and walking backward out of the U-Haul in tandem with him. Moving is a bitch, and doing it by yourself just plain sucks ass. We stop and close up the vehicle, not wanting the rest of my shit stolen. It may not be much, but it’s mine. I’d just as soon keep it that way.

“No problem. She know you’re movin’ in yet?”

I let a ghost of a smile turn my mouth. “What? And ruin the surprise? Not a chance in hell.”

We walk right through the ‘secured’ outer apartment doors that any idiot could prop open, leaving all the occupants of this fine twenty-eight-unit building vulnerable the minute they step foot into what’s theoretically to be their safe haven. The alarm that’s supposed to be attached to the outer door appears not to be working. My first order of business is to call the supe and get the damn alarm fixed, along with securing our apartment with locks that would keep even the most sophisticated burglar out, instead of the current ones any amateur could pick.

I’ve never liked where Addy and Livia lived. It’s not exactly in the nicest part of south Chicago, but when I moved Livia here, I wasn’t about to let her live alone. I needed to get away from her so she could heal. I couldn’t leave her completely alone either, so when I found out Eric’s sister lived in Chicago and was in need of a roommate, it seemed like the fates were on our side for fucking once.

“Somehow, I don’t think this is the type of surprise a woman likes.”

Somehow, I don’t think Addy Monroe would like any kind of surprise. She seems to have her little world in tip-top organized shape. Or so she wants everyone to believe. She needs it shaken up just a bit. And I’m a goddamned walking earthquake.

“She’ll deal.”

We navigate the flimsy piece up three flights of stairs, into my new digs and to the bedroom I’ll now be occupying. Flopping it onto the springs that sit on the floor because the bed frame sits in pieces in the corner, I take a look around at my new “home.” Unwelcome memories cause a little pang of hurt in the middle of my chest.

It’s been almost six months now that I was in this very room, holding Livia in my arms when she was such a goddamn mess over my twin that she couldn’t even function. I look toward the bathroom, where I can still envision her bubble-covered body. It was the first time I’d seen it without bruises or blood or broken bones. I remember the restraint it took to hold back from pulling her to my mouth, begging her to choose me instead.

I did the right thing, though. Livia clearly belongs with Gray, not with a man like me who has so many fucking ghosts in his closet, I’m surprised people can’t hear them howling.

My selflessness with regard to Livia is one of the only things in my life I’m truly proud of. I care enough about her to walk away and that was a damn hard thing to do.

Maybe moving in here was a bad idea. The shit of it is, I’ve actually been making progress in getting ove

r Livia, too. Gray and I have been spending more time together, especially since I moved my business to Chicago six weeks ago, and our relationship is slowly improving. With each new story he tells me about Livia and the babies, strangely, the easier it gets to accept it, them, and the further I can put Livia in my taillights. God knows I don’t want her in my brights anymore.

Even though I’ve been quietly paying the rent on this place every month, I’ve struggled for the last few weeks with my decision. Is moving in here the right thing to do? Not only do I not need any reminders of Livia Kingsley/Colloway, I haven’t been able to get the mahogany-haired, hazel-eyed knockout—who will be sleeping in the other bedroom just feet away from me—out of my fucking head. All I’ve thought about is how she rebuffed me the night of the Livia and Gray’s wedding and how much I want to change her mind.

I want to tame the untamable.

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