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So Wright (The Wrights 1)

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When she finally pulled away, they were both breathless. “Yes.” She laughed, and more tears spilled as she nodded. “Yes, we can.”


Miranda waited just outside security at Nashville International Airport with her arms crossed, trying to hold back the excitement ready to bubble out of her. She hadn’t seen Jack in three weeks, the longest they’d been apart since they met six months earlier.

A rush of people approached the security area, headed toward ground transportation and baggage claim. Miranda bounced on her toes and scanned each face, looking for the handsome man who belonged to her.

She didn’t have to wait long. With all his frequent flyer miles, Jack was upgraded to first class on a regular basis. Miranda caught the glint of his blond hair, then the thousand-watt smile directed right at her. He must have boarded the plane shortly after a business meeting, because he was still in a suit, sans the tie, which was probably stuffed into one of his pockets.

As soon as he passed through the exit, he dropped his bag and a roll of blueprints, and Miranda jumped into his arms. They had this greeting choreographed to perfection.

They hugged long and hard. “Damn, baby,” Jack said. “I’ve missed you.”

Miranda didn’t bother repeating the sentiment. Instead, she pulled back just far enough to kiss him. Jack moaned, the sound a combination of relief and pleasure.

When she finally drew away, she cupped his face, grinning so hard, her cheeks hurt. “I have so much to show you.”

They’d developed a pattern of driving around to all Miranda’s jobsites as soon as Jack touched down. She’d launched her business the day she’d received Roman’s check and now had three large-scale developments underway for seniors, single parents, and the physically disabled. Then they returned to Miranda’s trailer for long, leisurely hours of lovemaking and catching up.

They walked toward short-term parking hand in hand, while Jack talked a little about the project site he’d just come from in Hong Kong and Miranda told him about her time with his family. She’d become extremely close with Jonathan, Jen, and Jen’s boys. Jack’s father often visited Miranda’s building sites, and Miranda occasionally babysat for Jen and her husband.

At the truck, Jack tossed his bag in the bed, and they took another few long moments to properly reconnect. By the time they broke apart, Miranda was sizzling hot and Jack was pressed against her in all the right places.

“I have something to show you too,” he said. “And I want to go first tonight.”

Miranda rocked her hips against his. “I hope it has something to do with what I’m feeling right here.”

He stepped back and curled her hand into his. “I’m saving that for later.”

She only half-faked a pout as he pulled the passenger’s door open for her, then put out his hand for the keys. When she dropped them into his palm, she was rewarded with another soul-melting kiss.

In the cab of the truck, she scooted next to him and snuggled close as he drove.

“How’s Gypsy doing?” he asked.

“Ridiculously miserable, but you won’t hear even one little gripe come out of her mouth. I don’t know how her little body could stretch so much, poor thing. Maybe she’ll have the baby while you’re here.”

“Man, that would be cool.”

“You’re the only man I know who’d say that.”

“I’ll ask Jen what she did to induce her own labor. Maybe Gypsy could try Jen’s methods.”

“I’ve already asked her, and she said sex was her activity of choice to get the baby moving.”

Jack made a face. “Ew. Sister, remember?”

Miranda laughed. “But we’ve finally got Gypsy in her new house. That’s one of the things I can’t wait to show you. I made all kinds of adorable little add-ons in her place, even built a baby swing in the yard.”

“How’s business at the bar?” he asked.

“Insane. And she’s doing an amazing job of running the whole thing without killing herself.” Miranda sighed. “I hope she has this baby soon. Just looking at her makes me uncomfortable.”

She lost herself in the sheer joy of his presence, kissing his neck and breathing him in. She had no idea where they were when she said, “Pull over. I need you. Like, last week.”

He lifted his arm and wrapped it around her shoulders. “We’re almost there.”

Miranda groaned and turned her head, resting her cheek against his shoulder. When she focused out the windshield, she didn’t recognize the road they were on. She lifted her head and looked around. The leaves were just starting to turn, and the air had a nice crisp edge.

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