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Relentless (Renegades 4)

Page 33

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Someone knocked. “Is everything okay in there?”

She sucked a shaky breath, closed her eyes, and pressed a hand to her forehead. “Yes. I'm sorry. I just need one more min--minute.”

She choked on the last word, and a flood of hysteria threatened. She clenched her teeth, willing it back. The fury wasn't as easy to contain.



She cut her gaze back to her own reflection, surprised to find she didn't look anywhere near as bad as she felt. Still, she touched up and turned to the door.

When he didn't move and opened his mouth to speak, she cut him off. “Let. Me. Out. Now.”

He raised his hands in surrender and took one deliberate step back with a “Yes, ma'am” filled with screw-you attitude.

Lies spiraled in Giselle's head as three women filed in. “I'm sorry. I received some bad news, and I just…needed a few minutes. Thank you for waiting.”

She moved into the little alcove outside the bathroom and glanced up to make sure no one was standing near the railing, then faced Troy when he stepped out behind her. He was wearing clothes similar to those he'd worn at the club-tailored slacks and blazer that fit him to perfection, a smooth, light-colored button-down shirt beneath. He pulled off the carelessly sexy hairstyle well, especially with the beard. God, a beard. That still made her shake her head in dismay. The last time she'd seen him, he hadn't even been able to grow a full mustache. His face looked more rugged and seasoned, the same way his body was bigger and stronger.


She was facing Troy.

The realization sliced something open inside her, and all her old emotions came spilling out. All the love, all the passion, all the hurt, all the loss, it filled her up until she was drowning. Until all she wanted to do was fall into him, take all the good, and let him make her forget all the bad, something he'd always been so good at.

“What the hell?” she repeated, unable to find anything else to say. She didn't even know where to start. Or if she even wanted to start. She was too shocked, too angry, too scared to even think straight. “Why are you here?”

“It's good to see you too, Ellie.” He pushed his hands into the pockets of his slacks, rolled back on his heels, and all warmth disappeared. “I'm here because I was invited. You?”

“Don't even start with the attitude.” A group of people laughed upstairs, making the nerves along the back of Giselle's neck ripple. “You decided to show your face to me here? Now? Really?”

His eyes narrowed. A black cloud darkened his expression in a way that signaled hurt feelings and a brewing temper. “I couldn't reach you at the hotel. I tried every alias I knew, but none worked. I've been calling Ryker to get your cell number for two days, but he's not calling back-”

“He's overseas on a teaching assignment.”

She blurted the words, and the simple exchange of information slammed her back to a time that had defined the most important years of her life. The first time she'd ever been safe. The first time she'd ever been loved. Which all clashed with what had happened at the club, what was happening now, and confused the hell out of her.

The bathroom door opened, and the women filed into the hall, casting worried glances her way.

When they were gone, Troy said, “Look, I just wanted you to know it was me-”

“Why? So you could humiliate me?”

“Humiliate you?” His eyes burned with challenge. “How could I possibly humiliate you when you were at the club of your own free will? When you had every opportunity to leave of your own volition at any time with the use of two simple words? When you said yes to me after turning three other men away?”

Shame made the skin of her face flame. Her heart picked up speed, squeezed, and knotted. “Don't do that.”

“Don't do what?”

“Twist everything. You recognized me at the club. You purposely hit on me, knowing I didn't recognize you. My God, look at you. Even your personality is different. You knew…” Hurt swelled in her throat and stung her eyes, and she couldn't go on. An irrational sense of betrayal stabbed at her. “Why did you do that?”

“Maybe, after seven long years,” he said, his voice rough with emotion, “I just wanted to be close to you, El. Did you ever think of that?”

“Bullshit.” The fact that he'd even try to sell her crap twisted the knife in her gut. “How long have you been in Vegas?”

He frowned. “What does that-”

“How long?” she demanded, unsuccessfully attempting to quiet her voice.

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