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Relentless (Renegades 4)

Page 85

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Her heart tripped.

“Get ready to roll.” The director’s voice echoed over the speaker. “Here we go. And three…two…one…action!”

Giselle held her breath. She wanted to turn away from the window, but she couldn’t. So she watched the chopper’s light follow Troy as he pushed off the glass, flying away from the building in a smooth arc, only to touch down, several huge panes of glass away at a ninety-degree angle, then sprinted across the building.

Her mind couldn’t comprehend how he did that. How they made that happen. Even standing on the set of the stunt, in the middle of the crew, with all the gadgets surrounding her, she couldn’t fathom…

“Cut.” The director’s voice jolted Giselle from her thoughts. “Nice, Troy. Wind’s picking up. Let’s call it a night.”

“Roger that,” Troy said, before he simply fell out of sight.

Giselle felt the floor open beneath her. She launched toward the last place she’d seen him. “Tro—”

Strong arms caught her, and the sudden stop knocked her scream from her lungs before it could reach its target.

“He’s okay.” The man’s voice was new, but just as warm and confident as Wes’s, and he was just as strong, holding her without effort as she struggled to twist from his grip, her gaze holding on the emptiness outside. On Wes, leaning out the opening but not returning with Troy. “He’s fine.”

“How do you know?” Her heart was in free fall. “He’s…he’s… Where is he?”

“It takes some time to reel in.”

Her muscles gave in to exhaustion, and she slumped, but the man restraining her was there to keep her from hitting the floor. She was shaking, but the man slowly released her as she found her feet. And after what seemed like an excruciating amount of time—which in reality was probably more like a few minutes—Troy gradually rose into view. The crew broke into applause. Giselle almost hit the ground again.

The man nearby gripped her arms. “You’re gonna have to grow a thicker skin if you plan on sticking around awhile.”

She nodded, pressing a hand to her forehead, searching for a sliver of composure. “If he doesn’t break my heart, he’s going to give me a heart attack.”

The man chuckled. “You steady?”

“Yes. Thank you.” When he released her and stepped away, she finally looked up at his face. He was about Troy’s size, sandy brown hair, greenish-gray eyes, rugged. She offered her hand. “I’m Giselle—”

“Diamond.” His grin widened. “I know.” He shrugged. “I’m a fan.”

A smile broke over her face. “You’re not my demographic. That makes you an extraspecial fan.”

“And extra, extra special considering your guy totally bagged on my stunt.”

“Uh…” She wasn’t sure what he’d just said. “W-wha…?”

“Troy.” He glanced toward the open door and the dark night beyond, lit up by the chopper’s spotlight. “Just walked in and stole my stunt right out from under me, the prick. But…” He shrugged again. “I’m the new guy and all that.” He offered his hand. “I’m Cameron. New Renegade.”

“Nice to meet you.” She shook his hand. “I’m not sure if I should apologize for Troy or not.”


“Do you know…um…” She scraped her lip between her teeth. “Is he going back to work on the Vegas shoot?”

“No, he’s done there. Keaton, Duke, and Z are tying it up.” He leaned down to pick up a harness of some kind. “Guess I’m the cleanup crew. Catch you later.”

“Thanks again.”

As Cameron wandered away, Giselle’s heart expanded with hope. Her eyes burned with tears. Excitement drew her gaze to the crew as Wes leaned out of the building, caught Troy’s hand, and drew him in.

Wes said something that made Troy’s head pop up, made his gaze sharpen on his friend’s face. Then he was scanning the room, those pretty eyes wide and so filled with hope, the tears stinging her eyes slipped over her lashes. But she didn’t breathe right until his feet touched solid ground. Her heart didn’t beat right until he’d pushed through everyone and reached her. Even then, it rushed and skipped.

As soon as he was within reach, he cupped her face. “You’re still here,” he said, stroking her hair with one hand, scanning her face as if he hadn’t seen her in months. “I was coming. Right after this. Right now. I was coming to you.”

She nodded. “I know.” She lifted the ticket and gave a little shrug. “They said it’s refundable.”

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