Forsaking the Prize (The Wild Randalls 2) - Page 65

Finch clucked her tongue. “I think she is falling in love with you already, but just won’t admit it, not even to herself.”

Tobias rocked back in the chair. “You are a very strange, forward woman, Mrs. Finch.”

“Thank you, sir.” She clapped her hands together. “Can I get you something to eat? A big strapping fellow like you needs sustenance to woo a lady for his wife.”

Tobias rubbed his hand across his face. “What makes you think you don’t need to apply for the positions here, Finch? I could already have staff in mind.”

“Because you haven’t made any decision yet, or you would have staff here already.” She smiled. “Besides, you’re lingering at Romsey in the hope of asking my mistress what she’d prefer. A good decision, if you ask me. My lady likes everything just so and I’m sure you want her to be happy.”

Tobias reeled. What trouble had he gotten into? He couldn’t afford all these servants on the allowance Leopold had granted. Some of them would have to go. “There may be a problem with your plans.”

“Lack of funds?” The housekeeper’s brows lifted as she sagely guessed the heart of his problem. “Never fear, my mistress can pinch a penny along with the very best of them.”

Tobias gaped as a plate and teacup was set before him.

“There you are, sir,” Finch said brightly. “Eat up and then I’m sure you’d like to tour the house to see what’s been done in your absence. The bedchambers have been cleaned top to bottom and so has the dining room and sitting room. The door to what we feel is a book room is jammed, must be the damp, but we’ll have that fixed before you return with our lady.”

“The grounds are a harder task, grown so wild and tangled,” she continued. “But the kitchen garden has been cleared of weeds and your new gardener has done what he can. We might need a bit of aid from Romsey during the worst of winter, but we should be self-sufficient for the spring.”

Tobias put his head in his hands as the housekeeper prattled on.

~ * ~

Blythe blinked as bright light streamed in through the door of the duke’s sanctuary and then was cut off suddenly. Before she could adjust to the change, she was pulled up from her chair and crushed against Tobias’ chest. He nuzzled her cheek before he found her lips and devoured her with hot hungry kisses.

She reeled and clung to him, surprised and overjoyed to be in his arms again. She’d been regretting her decision to end things between them since the moment she’d uttered the words. His kisses slowed, and his tongue tangled with hers gently.

Blythe slipped her fingers into his hair and reveled in the wondrous sensations he evoked. The evidence of his arousal pressed against her belly, his hands kneaded her bottom.

When he drew back, a fierce ache had developed between her legs.

“I miss you,” he whispered against her neck. The rough scrape of stubble against her skin sent chills racing all over her. “Give me a second chance. I’m a patient man, I promise.”

Blythe’s eyes stung as she blinked back tears. She’d missed him, too, but she couldn’t be the type of woman he wanted. She opened her mouth to speak, but he kissed her again, so well she lost track of time.

“Think about me when I’m gone.” He slipped from her arms, grasped a book from the shelf, and vanished.

Her knees wobbled and she sank into a chair before she collapsed. The next time he came to her Blythe didn’t know if she could deny him.

~ * ~

“Dash it all, but Finch might just be right,” Tobias muttered under his breath as he suffered through Murphy’s endless fussing as he changed for dinner.

“Beg pardon, sir. But did you say something.”

“Nothing of importance, Murphy. I was just cursing the weather.”

“Perhaps you should have worn the great coat when you went out rather than suffer the damp.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He pivoted to stare at Murphy. “You know everything that happens in the district. When were you going to mention that Lady Venables staff had invaded Harrowdale?”

“Oh, tomorrow, sir. Probably. Most likely. They weren’t doing any harm.”

Tobias tugged on his cravat to loosen it a bit. “I thought Harrowdale on fire today. Imagine my surprise to find tea and seed cake on the kitchen table and a houseful of servants polishing the furniture.”

“Harrowdale will like to have the care and attention. Mrs. Finch keeps a good house. You could do a lot worse.”

Although he didn’t like to admit it, Murphy was likely right. Mrs. Finch had the makings of a quartermaster. He’d be so well organized he probably wouldn’t recognize himself. “Murphy, if any other matters come to light that might affect me, do be a good fellow and pass the news along. I don’t particularly care for surprises.”

Tags: Heather Boyd The Wild Randalls Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024