Resist (Sphere of Irony 3) - Page 70

“Thank you,” I whisper, brushing a soft kiss across his lips. When I try to pull back, Mitch’s hand clamps down on my neck. His tongue flicks out, tracing a line across my mouth that I can feel all the way down to my toes. I have so many things I want to say, but they all fall out of my head.

Mitch opens his mouth wider, his tongue practically reaching the back of my throat. A shudder travels the length of my body, the vibrations pulling a guttural groan from Mitch.

When his hands drop to my ass and he grinds our cocks together, my mind stutters and stalls, coming to a complete halt it turns to dust.

“Wait, Mitch—” I push at his chest, disengaging our mouths.

“What?” Hooded grey eyes look up at me. “I promised I wouldn’t act as bait for the stalker, Gav. The plan is shelved.”

“I know,” I gasp as he lifts his hips, dragging our cocks against each other again. “Just… we’re in a hotel conference room.”

Mitch pauses, then bursts out laughing. “See what you do to me? You make me forget where I am. Get up, let’s go upstairs.” He lightly smacks my ass.

With pleasure.


We’re just checking into our hotel in our second to last city when my phone rings. I glance down at the screen. “Shit.”

My rare curse has Gavin glancing at me out of the corner of his eye while he continues to speak with Hawke.

Steeling myself, I decide that now is as good a time as any. Never would be better. I swipe the button to answer the call. “Mom?” I turn and cross the lobby, looking for a place to sit.

“Mitchell? Where have you been? Why haven’t you rung me back? It’s been ages!” My mother immediately sets in on me, making me feel about four years old instead of thirty-two.

“Mom, I’m fine.”

“Bollocks! You’re not fine! What’s all this on the news? Since when are you gay? And taking up with a celebrity?” Her British accent takes me right back to my childhood in London.

“Mom, please. Can we discuss this another time?”

My eyes catch Gavin’s across the busy lobby. His face is lined with stress and his gaze filled with curiosity. He looks as if he’s about to head my way so I hold up a finger and shake my head. Gavin frowns at the gesture, but remains with our group.

“No you may not, Mitchell Robert Hale!”

Groaning, I drop my head into my hands. I can’t drop these bombs on my mother over the phone. It’s definitely an in-person kind of announcement, telling your parents you’re gay. Oh, and that you may have a stalker leaving bloody body parts backstage at concerts because he’s got a fucked up thing for your new boyfriend.

“I’m in D.C. for work, mom. Why don’t I come by for dinner? I can explain everything then.”

“You’re in D.C.? Were you even going to ring your mother?” she huffs.

“Of course,” I lie. I had no intention of letting them know I was in the city. “I only just got in.” That part is actually true.

“Alright then. Seven o’clock. Don’t be late, Mitchell.”

Before I can answer, the line clicks off. Damn, she’s angrier than I thought. I guess I can’t blame her for being thrown off when her supposedly straight son starts appearing in gossip magazines as the gay lover of a rock star.

I rejoin the group as they pass out keys and make their way to the elevators. “Sorry,” I tell Gavin when I catch up.

All I get is silence in return. The other guys are in the elevator with us, as well as security, so I wait to speak again until we’re in our suite.

“Are you mad?” I ask as soon as the door shuts behind us.

Gavin brushes past me, headed for the bedroom.

“Hey! Don’t shut me out. What’s going on?” I grab his arm and he spins around, wrenching out of my grasp.

“You know, Mitch. If there’s something you don’t want me to know, you don’t have to slink away to do it,” he snaps.

Tags: Heather C. Leigh Sphere of Irony Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024