The Complete Rockstar Series - Page 129

Sweat begins to bead up between my shoulder blades and on my temples. A lone drop trickles down my spine while the tension hangs between us.

Finally, right as I think I’m going to explode from anxiety, Kate releases her lip and smiles, wide and beautiful. Her perfection hits me like a shock of electricity to the heart, pushing it to work overtime to keep my blood flowing. She’s fucking amazing when she smiles. All the dark shit from my past, all the things I’ve done, people I’ve hurt, women I’ve used—it all fades away until there’s only me and her.

I gently squeeze her hand, which is still all tangled up with mine. “Does this mean I’m forgiven?”

Nodding shyly, she pulls her hand back, nervously scraping her long hair up into a high ponytail. A memory assaults me, hard enough to stun me for a moment. In school, Kate used to constantly fiddle with her hair, yanking it up whenever she was nervous or if it got in her way. She was always playing with it. Suddenly I want to bury my nose in those silky golden brown strands and inhale the sweet scent of her.

Fuck it.

Moving closer, I stand in front of Kate. She’s watching every step I take, her eyes fixed on me, unblinking. Gently, my touch so light it barely brushes her skin, I move my hand up her neck to rest against the side of her face. Without realizing she’s doing it, Kate leans her cheek into my touch, her mouth parting slightly.

That’s the only sign I need to bring my other hand to the opposite side of her neck and pull her forward until our lips connect. Her taste explodes on my tongue, hot and sweet, with a hint of mint toothpaste mixed in. Using every bit of self-control I possess, I force myself to keep the kiss as short and chaste as possible. I don’t want to ruin the moment when I’ve just gotten her to trust me with her heart.

“Wow,” Kate whispers. I didn’t think it was possible, but she’s even more stunning now with her hair up, her eyes closed, and her lips swollen and red from our kiss than she was all put together at the club the other night.

Kate opens her eyes and I see it—she’s lost in a haze of lust. It’s a look I know well, having seen it on a woman’s face more times than I can count. Only this time, it means something.

“I know. Wow.” My thumbs brush over the skin in front of her ears, drawing small circles. “I’m not sure how many more rejections I can take, but I’m asking you again. Go out with me. On a proper date.”

Kate’s spine stiffens, and her head drops as she pulls away from my hands. She takes a few steps back but still doesn’t say anything.

“Kate.” She ignores me, still unmoving. “Kate!”

Her head jerks up, our eyes locking together. Closing her eyes, she presses her mouth into a hard line. She’s changed her mind. Here it comes—the brush off. She’s getting ready to wield the knife that will carve out my soul and leave me empty again.

Unconsciously, I rub the spot over my heart, as if I can soothe the sharp pain that’s beginning to bloom. She can’t say no, she’s mine! Just the thought of anyone else touching her has me seeing red.

Another one of my dad’s rules comes rushing back at me, blindsiding me with its strength.

Rule 5—Defend what’s yours.

Inexplicably, all I can think about is how she’s mine. The urge to throw her over my shoulder and hide her away nearly brings me to my knees. I struggle to keep it together while Kate decides our fate.


“What?” My hand drops to my side in shock. “Is that a yes?”

“Yes.” Kate takes a deep breath, opening her eyes and giving me another one of her wide, brilliant grins.

For once in my life, I let my guard down, exhaling in relief. “Hell, I thought you were finished with me.”

Seeing straight into my soul with those bright green eyes, her voice husky and sexy just like I remember, she steps closer. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be finished with you, Dax Davies.”

Just like that, the glacial rock in my chest where my heart is supposed to be has a purpose. It can beat again.



Somehow going on a proper date with Dax morphed into dinner then coming back to the flat to talk and get reacquainted after so much time apart. Making up for lost time.

Talking led to touching, which led to kissing. Once we realized all the other guys were out for the evening, words seemed unnecessary and things got intense… really intense. I’ve wanted him for so long, I can’t resist his touch.

That’s how I ended up in Dax’s flat, lying on his bed, with his heavy body pressing me down to the mattress, snogging like there’s no tomorrow.

“So gorgeous,” Dax whispers, his large, rough hands sliding up and down my bare arms. My skin is so sensitive I can feel every single callous that has formed on his fingers from years of playing guitar and using his fists to earn money as they scrape over my exposed flesh.

Dax props himself up on his elbows so he can see right into my eyes—and I swear, right through me. I swallow loudly, my heart thrumming in my chest. Can he tell that I’m in love with him? That I’ve been in love with him for as long as I can remember? That I can see past that intimidating exterior he puts up to the man he really is?

Tags: Heather C. Leigh Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024